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You quickly fall asleep and start dreaming:

In your dreams you are on forest clearing. Sun is shining brightly. You see Josh playing with baby deer between the trees.

"Hey Josh!" you say. He turns towards you, but his baby deer get's scared and runs into woods. Josh follows it. You feel bad for scaring the deer, so you decide you will help Josh catch it. You start running behind them, but you loose sight of them.

Suddenly you hear thunderbolt on the sky. Sun gets covered by black clouds and rain starts to fall. It becomes dark all of the sudden.

"Yosh! Where are you?" you call. You don't get answer. You decide to return to the clearing.

As you turn you see a large pair of yellow eyes staring right at you. It's big bad black wolf. He opens his mounth to show you hungreds of teeth he has and he jums right towards you...

You wake up screaming.

"What's going on sweeetie" asks you mother that rushed to your room as fast as she heard your screams.

"I had A nightmare mom! It was really scary. There was this big wolf and dark forest and thunder and a lot of rain..."

You look towards your crotch.

Did you receive ITEM #2: Glass of Coca cola during lunch?

Yes -> 38

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Diaperhog day - The "Make Your Own Adventure" StyleWhere stories live. Discover now