Perfection - pt. 5

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You couldn't describe how you felt. It was still the same but easier. Easier because he was around and you didn't know how that made you feel. He stood by you each time you were struggling with cleansing your body of drugs. It wasn't easy but it was easier when he was there, with you.

"I'll talk to you later." he tapped James on the shoulder as he saw you coming out of the class. He cupped his mouth and shouted. "OI, (Y/L/N)!"

Your head turned around, seeing a black-haired head popping out of the crowd. As soon as your eyes locked, you both smiled.

"Come on, (y/n)." your friend rolled her eyes and tried to pull you with her.

"Hey." you ripped your arm away from her. "I want to talk to him." you shot her a glare and she only quirked an eyebrow.

"What?" she narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest and leaning back. "You're kidding right?" she started to show her attitude.


"I know you're nice and all but he's a blood-traitor and a Gryffindor. His brother is in Slytherin." she continued but you stopped her.

"Don't call him a blood-traitor- and what if he is a Gryffindor?! I am friends with many Gryffindors." you defended but she only rolled her eyes again.

"Whatever. It's your reputation on the line. First you break up with the dumbarse Hufflepuff and now you're hanging out with blood-traitors. What's next, (y/n)?" she snickered and took a step forward. "I'm warning you, (y/n). Once your family finds out who you're sleeping with, they will disown you just like him." she snarled and laughed right in your face.

And just as you were prepared to shoot her with a hex or plainly throw a punch at her someone took you by the hand and pulled you back. "Don't. She's not worth it." his voice was calm and soothing, his hold gentle. "Why don't you get lost Rivers?"

"Why don't you drop dead, Black?" she snarled back and this time you ripped your hand from Sirius and shot her an instant scalping hex, followed by a horn-growth hex. "YOU BITCH!" she cried, holding to her horns and running her hand down her scalp. She drew her wand but you were already running with Sirius by your side.

The two of you turned corners and ran up the stairs until you were sure you were safe. Both of you laughed and panted. He leaned on the wall behind him and trying to catch his breath. "That was amazing." he smiled, closing his eyes as his lungs filled with air.

"Well, her fault. She shouldn't have provoked me." you smiled in return and looked around, finding foreign walls and corners. "Where even are we?"

"I don't know." he continued to laugh. "But we're in trouble."

"I'm sorry." you said and sat down on the ground. "I shouldn't have pulled you into this but she just didn't understand how much you changed me- to the better I mean."

He walked to your side of the wall and sat down, letting out a groan as he sat down. "Yeah,well that's a first. I'm usually the one with the bad infuluence."

"Not for me." you put your hand on his and he immediately shot his head towards where you placed your hand. You smiled at his surprise and interlaced your fingers with his. "Thank you, Sirius. Truly. For everything." you turned your head to him and kept looking at his grey eyes.

He kept looking at your hands when he finally decided to look at you as well. There was something about your hand; it fitted so well with his and he could feel the warmth radiating from him.

"Thank you. For stepping up for me." he leaned his head on the wall and smiled with his eyes. "But she's right. Aren't you afraid of not being the perfect person anymore?"

"I've been perfect for too long. Perfection is what drew me insane and I never want to be perfect anymore." your thumb caressed his and he looked down again, smiling.

"I'd say you're perfect to me but I feel like I'll offend you."

"Just kiss me already, Black." you put your free hand around his neck and pulled him towards you, crashing his lips on your own.

The hand that held yours let go and with the other placed on your cheek. "You're imperfect to me and those imperfections I just adore." he smiled and pulled you back in another kiss. 

~ Fin

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