B i g B r o t h e r

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Draco had brought us to rather large house, saying that he knew I would want Marilyn to live with us. We wasn't wrong I did want to have Mary around, she and my brother have started dating I told her a million times I was fine with it. She asked me all time if I was okay with it and each I told her you can't stop love. I was reaching the end of my pregnancy, the babies would be born around August and it was September. We'd all be in Hogwarts if we hadn't graduated and if the school wasn't in the process of being rebuilt. 

"What about Ava and Eva?" Mary flipped through a book. "Absolutely not, too alike." I said giving her a retarded look. Mary rolled her eyes. "Draco you got any name ideas over there?" Mary shouted at Draco who was standing in the doorway. He shook his head. "We'll figure something out." I sighed closing the book. We've been looking at baby names for months but haven't found the right ones yet. 

"Oh, Big brother  will you just marry her already." i laughed walking into the kitchen to see Mary and Jasper filtering. "Maybe I will." He laughed back moving a piece of blonde hair from Mary's face. I smiled at the sight of them, never expected them to be together but It was cute, only 3 or 2 years apart. 

"Whos at the door?" Draco asked stepping intot he hallway as I walked towards the door. I shrugged and opened the door. "Paisley.." The girl at the door step said. My eyes widen pulling the girl inside. "How did you find us?" I asked maintaining a distance from what had happened the last time we ever spoke. "It wasn't too hard if you know the right spells." The girl smiled. "I just didn't like the way we left off Paisley, I'm sorry. I should have trusted you." The girl hugged me and I hugged her back. "I'm sorry too Mione." I smiled. "Your with a child!" Hermione backed up staring at me. "Two actually." I smiled. "Congratulations." She smiled and her smile faded as Draco emerged from the kitchen with food in his mouth. "That's disgusting." I said looking at Draco who was chewing the food in his mouth. "I never thought you two would together this long." Hermione smiled. "We had our moments." I said looking up at Draco. "Shit." Draco shouted and ran up the stairs. I looked at Hermione confused and introduced her to my Brother and Mary. 

"What did you do?" I said looking at Draco handing my brother something in a secretive way. "I lost a bet." Draco rolled his eyes. "And what was that bet?" I asked. "None of your damn business." Jasper smirked at Draco who held in a laugh. 

Hermione and I talked for  while before she left. It was nice to see her again, I'm still so surprised she found us or even took the time to do so. I was glad she did though I hated the way things ended between us. 

I walked up the stairs into the nursery and began to prepare things for the babies arrival. We were having two girls, I couldn't wait to dress them up in matching outfits. They would be the best of friends and always have each other, never alone.

"She didn't make it, I'm truly sorry for you loss Mr. Malfoy."  the doctor walked away leaving Draco with his thoughts. Draco fell onto the floor in tears. He lost her he was suppose to protect her from all harm and he failed. "Draco what happened?" Marilyn ran towards the mess of tears, Jasper by her side. "It's only a family of three now. She didn't make it." Draco cried and for once Marilyn took him into her arms and cried with him. Jasper joined them on the floor with tears.

Shorter chapter yes, I know, I know...anyway vote please :) - Lilah

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