Recap of Chapter Eight
"Because I love you", he says just before crashing his lips onto mine. I try to go backwards, but he keeps his lips firmly on my own. He puts his arms on my neck and pushes backwards separating our lips. "You didn't kiss back", he states and then walks out. I want to go after him, I want to tell him to stay, but something in me says let him go.
"So much for friendship", I mutter as I lay back down on my bed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was laying on my bed. I couldn't think or do anything without these terrible thoughts racing through my mind. About Jace. About Josh. About me entangling the both of them in this mess. My parents. My stupid, stupid parents who brought me here. Without them none of this would have happened. I would not be on the cusp of losing my best friend nor would I have ever had this stupid boyfriend issue. Not boyfriend, I remind myself.
Josh. My best friend since we were little. His bright blonde hair that reminded you of summer. Eyes that remind you of chocolate. Every memory of happiness usually has to do with Josh.
Jace. My almost boyfriend. He protected me from like seven threatening guards. He saved my life. His raven black hair was absolutely gorgeous and soft to the touch. His light blue eyes could make any girl melt.
Which one is best. No. Which one do I love. I don't know. I don't know. I do not know. And that scares me.
I feel myself pacing from one end of the room to the other. Everything is out of place and disoriented. Think Abby. Think. What do you do? Well the only logical thought that came to my mind at the moment was: RUN. GET OUT OF HERE. GO.
I could feel my body screaming with the hunger to leave. Suddenly I felt the need to run and never have I felt that in my entire life. I needed to LEAVE NOW.
And so I ran. I got out on the balcony and hung off the side. I started climbing down the wall as quickly as possible. I realised that I had a minute until the guard change. That wasn't a big opportunity but it was all I needed.
As soon as I hit the ground I ran to the bushes and didn't stop. Even when I heard the sound of guards yelling. I ran through the bushes and into the streets of Northern Ireland.
I ran until I couldn't any more. I stopped at a little deli outside of the palace grounds. I stepped inside and tried not to look so winded as I sat myself down.
"What can I get for you", a young woman asks. I ask for water and she goes to get that. I recline in my seat as much as possible before the girl comes back.
"Here you- wait you're the princess", the girl awes. I suddenly sit in an upright position. I heard murmurs across the entire restaurant about princesses and royalty.
"Please don't say that word", I hiss.
"You are. You're the princess", she exclaims.
I immediately take the cup and run. Out and away. Nobody needs to know where I am no one. No one.
I get to a dark alley and lie there for a moment.
The sad part is I don't see any of this coming at all. Someone comes from behind one of the dumpsters with a gun pointed straight at my heart.
There in the deepest darkest place in my mind I feel the childhood horrors coming back to life.
I would run but I'm stuck. There's a brick wall behind me.
"Hello puppet", the man says before coming closer and sticking a gag over my mouth. I struggle for a moment but then there is black.
It's been a long time friends. I'm sorry. Promise more updates will come

Not a princess
RandomWhen Abigail, a normal teenager from London, finds herself caught up in her past she go's to Ireland to meet her true parents. She finds out her whole life has been a lie and she is the princess. Abigail meets a dashing man from the providence near...