When You Comfort Them After A Bad Day

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- Would pretend like nothing
- Has the damn poker face
of his
- But if you give him affection
in any way
he will give you a very long and firm hug
- He wouldn't want to let go ✨
- He would also caress your cheek saying thank you.
- Will play it out cool after
saying " I didn't know you wanted me
that badly "
- Will kiss you then leave 🚪✋🏼

Diluc 🔥
- He will softly smile at you
telling you it's okay
- If you still give him affection
he will sit you on his lap
nuzzling his face in your neck
- He will tell you how his day went detail
by detail
- When he's done he will
kiss you and tell you that you made
his day much better
- He will make sure to kiss you one last time and then leave.

- Bby will always come to you
when he has a bad day
- He doesn't know how to be affectionate
or lovey dovey with you since he has
no experience
- So for him your company is all he needs 🙇‍♀️
- When you give him affection he
doesn't know what to do but he is already very happy
- He also probably forgot what he was upset / mad about
- He will kiss your nose and boops it
- Then tells you he need to do something
- He will leave only because he wants
to go get you things you like 🥺

- He would tease about how much
you care for him
- If you give him affection
he will give you a sly smile
- Saying " Hehe~ "
- Will take you somewhere so he can
tell you about his day.
- When he is done he with thank you
for listening to him.
- After he would always look forward
On telling you about his day after that :)

Xingqiu 📓
- Would automatically come
and tell you about his day.
- Adores it when you listen
To him rant about it.
- If you show him more than enough affection
he will fluster up at times but me
most happy.
- Would thank you many times.
- It's mandatory of him to
ask about yours as well because he cares💗.

- Wouldnt even say a word.
- Being near you should be enough.
- Would tell you that you
shouldn't worry about someone like him.
- Will somewhat try to convince you
That he is capable of taking care of himself.
- If you give him affection he will
enjoy it and savor the feeling in his heart,
But will never admit it that he did.
- However 👀
- Sometimes you can catch him
Appearing at random late nights just so you can ask how his day was 💗

- Would lie about it.
- But would then tell you how it
Really went for him.
- If you show him any sign of affection
he is quick to return the favor
In a playful but loving manner.
- Would show all types of affection
because you just make him that happy.
- If he has to leave he is sure to give you a deep, meaningful but yet playful kiss :).

Zhongli 💰👴
-  Would tell you if you ask.
- Will go on about what he did
And how it went.
- If you show him affection he would
give you a soft smile while he plays with your hair.
- He will tell you, that you make his days
Feel like a long lasting sensation.
- If he has to leave he would kiss
your forehead gently.
- But if he wishes to be with you longer,
He would wrap your arm around his and take you to wherever he was going.

I'm making a Genshin zodiac book

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