Soulmates suck !

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The outfits in this au were based off of soft.cocoa's collage au on insta

This is a pretty long one O_o

Total page word count: 962


Mitsuba groaned. Soulmates suck! The redhead couldn't even see the color blue, which also meant he never really knew what the sky looked like. If only having a soulmate worked differently.  Anything blue? It looked like an unnatural light gray hue indicating that he can't see that color. So far, 16 years of Sosuke's life and he still hasn't met his destined lover. How horrible.

He sighed. The teen was already on his way to school, bag over shoulder and camera in hands. He was wearing a light yellow shirt tucked into his brown short shorts, wearing legging underneath them. And ofcourse, his favorite pink jacket.  Walking through the entrance, he figured that he could just go around and take pictures today since he was in the photography club. Plus, classes are boring anyways. Mitsuba put away his backpack into his locker,

Sosuke walked past a group of girls, them running their mouths off about Minamoto. Minamoto this Minamoto that, It was always tiring to hear the same person mentioned almost every five seconds in some sort of conversation. Though it's not like he actually knows what He looks like. As far as the pinkie knew, one of the most popular boys in this school was a really good cook, plus pretty decent at combat too. And the eldest Minamoto? He's really well known for being one of the best at fighting and sword handling. Rumor has it that the oldest Minamoto is good at acting too.

The photographer huffed silently to himself. He was pretty popular too for his looks. Time passed by as the redhead teen took pictures of whatever looked nice. The outside landscape, students doing some reckless(but fun) looking stuff. He smiled a bit as he looked through all the well taken pictures he took. The boy's attention was brought away as he heard exited whispers and giggling to the left of him. His eyes moved away from his screen as he looked at what the commotion was about.

Oh, well that's honestly nothing too exciting.  Some other teen was cooking, he figured it was Minamoto. Huh, maybe he could get a few pics the club president might like them. As Sosuke made his way to the front, He held his camera up and snapped a few pictures. The blonde teen looked concentrated on cooking whatever he was making. Satisfied with the amount of pics he took, the pink eyed male brought the camera down from his face.


As the tall blonde finished doing what he was doing, he turned to face the small crowd of people watching him to give a smile like always. Well not today. Kous eyes locked with Mitsubas. Since the pink male was wearing the color pink(and sorta is the color pink), of course that would catch the teens attention, he couldn't even see the color pink.

The two stared at each other, eyes wide in shock. The redhead had been caught staring, his cheeks went redder than his hair as he pushed his way out and ran off. That's when he realised, he could see the color blue. Holy shit. 


Kou was left there still wide eyes, he blinked a few times until it finally clicked in his mind. That was the color pink, right? Well, he's never seen it before until now so it has to be pink. The blonde seconds later ran out too, saying a quick "Excuse me!" So that the people watching could get out of his way. He could see the pinkie round the corner, Maybe Minamoto could catch up if he was fast enough.


Mitsuba painted for air as he quickly wiped the sweat off from his face. Damn, running really wasn't his thing. The out of breath redhead was still in shock. Out of all the people that exist, his soulmate is a dude. Specifically one of the schools idols. 'Whatjusthappenedtheresnowayhecouldactuallybemysoulmatemaybeimjustdreamingpl-' He was snapped out of his thoughts

"Hey!! Wait up-!" Yelled a blonde. He caught up with the other as he quickly caught his breath. Though Kou couldn't stop staring. Pink really did suit the other teen, he looked pretty. 

"What's with you and you're creepy staring!? Have my cute looks gotten to you!??" Sosuke had his right hand sleeve covering most of his face, in hopes that it would hide his flustered face. He sent a glare towards the blonde.

Kou's cheeks flushed pink. Did this boy really just call him a creep? He stuttered to speak. "I- Well- Uh- It's just my first time seeing pink-! It.." He paused a few seconds "..Looks really nice on you." Jeese. What a sexy first encounter with his soulmate this is. 

"O-ofcourse I do! I'm just the most adorable person ever!!" He spewed out, the redhead really did love his looks. 

Awkward embarrassed silence washed over the two, neither of them not knowing what to say. Minamoto cleared his throat, lips quirked up into a small grin as he stretched his hand out for a handshake 

"The name's Minamoto Kou! I'm from Class-A!" He exclaimed, introducing himself to the other. His blue eyes gleamed with confidence and joy. 

The pink eyed teen smiled a bit as he shook hands with the other male, introducing himself. "Mitsuba Sosuke, I'm from Class-C" Mitsuba snickered as he noticed the red earring Kou wore, "God Minamoto-kun, you're earring is hella-lame!"

"Wha-!? Hey! No it's not!!" He said, trying to defend his poor earring he wore all the time. 

The two argued over if the earring was lame or not, attracting the attention of a few nearby students. In the end, they laughed it off smiling.

'huh.' Mitsuba thought to himself.

Maybe soulmates don't suck after all.

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