In a dark room,a petite man sat on a chair with his hands and leg tied,he was blindfolded as well. He had no idea how he ended where he is. He is just a humble cafe worker,he doesn't offend anyone,he keeps low profile but it seems someone still finds him troublesome. He will have tried screaming if whomever had kept him here hadn't taped his mouth as well.After sitting in the middle of nowhere for about a while,he heard footsteps approaching him,it was like three people were finally coming to where he is, well is about time somebody told him what he had really done wrong. By now,P'Earth should be worried sick about him,they were supposed to meet at a restaurant for their everyday date,he wonders if P'Earth has even noticed he is gone.
The blindfold was untied from his face,he grimace when a scorching light was thrown at his face,one of those three people was holding a very bright torchlight at his face. One of them started talking,he couldn't see their faces,just their figure,two of the people were quite tall and bulky while the one in the middle look a bit familiar,he was small compared to those two.
"You pathetic slutty bitch!" A slap resounded,he was given a bitch slap by the small guy whose voice also seems familiar,he wonders where he had heard it before and what had he done to him to be kidnapped,slapped and rudely insulted? The tape was also ripped not so gently from his mouth making his mouth hurts like fuck,it felt torned.
"W-What did I d-do to you? D-Do I even know you?" He asked his kidnappers,because looking at those three,it doesn't seem like they kidnapped him for a ransom or anything as such,so then what did he do? Another slap snapped him out of his daze making him winced from the sting of the slap,the slap was so hard that he use his tongue to rub around his teeth,just to make sure none of them had been removed by the impact from the bitch slap.
"You whore! You want to know what you did? I will tell you." The small guy came forward and grab a handful of his hair harshly,his scalp felt like they where being pulled out of his head,the small guy made him face him, that was when he realized whom he was dealing with. The one and only spoilt brat of the Imperial family,Prince Newwie.
This kid was the one who insulted him when P'Earth introduced him to the imperial family,it seems the kid was serious about P'Earth after all, he doesn't need to read his mind to know that all this kidnapping and slaps is about his relationship with P'Earth.
"Now do you still want to know what you did,you wretched whore? You think you can take P'Earth from me? In your dreams! Or maybe in your next pathetic life!" Newwie snarled at Mix, while he still had the latter's scalp in his grip painfully.
"He doesn't want you! You're....just a 15years old spoiled brat,you think he will want you even if you kill me?" Mix retorted back,making Newwie brown doe eyes flash with fury,he gripped Mix's scalp harder making Mix groan in pains with tears streaming down his face.
"I will have him whether he wants me or not, and you are in my fucking way so yeah,I will have to eliminate you out of my fucking way bitch!" Newwie said with rage and pushed Mix back harshly making Mix's head snap back sharply.
"He is not even your mate!" Mix snapped.
"I don't care!!!" Newwie said shouting.
"You're just a spoiled little brat!"
"And you're just a fuckin bitch and slut who will be dying anytime soon so maybe you should start saying your last prayers and wiches!" Newwie said then extended his hand out to one of his guards who handed him a gun. Newwie smirked and turned to face Mix who started to trembling by the sight of the pistol.
"Aww looks who is trembling, are you now scared, where did your big mouth go huh?" Newwie said while pointing the pistol at Mix.
"Why are you doing this? What you feel for P'Earth is not even real!" Mix said making Newwie enraged.
"Shut up! Shut your trap up or I pull this fucking trigger,don't try my patience bitch! You are in no position to tell me whether my feelings for him is real or not! What do you know whore!" Newwie said and slapped Mix again on his already swollen cheeks.
"I...know....that....he....loves me." Mix said softly due to the pain.
"I had enough of your bitching. Say hi to the reaper for me." Newwie sneered,he almost pulled the trigger when he heard someone.
"No! No Prince!" Earth said and ran towards Newwie who look shocked,how the hell did Earth find this place he asked himself then looked at those two he brought with him,yeah right, Earth is their general,he should have known.
"What do you want here?" Newwie asked angrily but Earth looked at Mix who looked so messed up sitting on the chair. "Oh, you came to watch your so called fiance die? Please be my guest!"
"Can you stop this foolishness,he hadn't done anything to you!" Earth said looking straight into Newwie's eyes which was filled with hot rage. Newwie then pointed the pistol at Earth whose eyes widen.
"Please calm down,my Prince." Earth held his hands up.
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down,you jerk!" Newwie shouted.
"Okay....alright, then tell me what you want, My Prince." Earth said with gritted teeth,he was so angry,he will have ripped Newwie apart if he didn't like the kid as a brother.
"Let's make a deal then!" Newwie said smirking.
"And what's the contents of this deal you talk about?" Earth asked.
"I want you to leave this thing over there and be with me or else I will pull the trigger and kill him right now, so do you want to save his pathetic life or you want me to end it?" Newwie said, Mix start shaking his head,disapproving with the so called deal.
"If you promise never to go near him anymore...."
"No P'Earth,please don't do this, am fine,he can't do anything, please!" Mix said pleadingly, but Earth just looked at him with a sad smile and an apologetic eyes.
"Is a deal!" Newwie said with his sweet innocent smile, a complete opposite of the one he had facing Mix, he threw himself unto Earth, urging Earth into kissing him right infront of Mix who was crying so hard.
"Untie him and take him to the hospital or something, P'Earth and I will go to my palace and seal this deal up!" Newwie said to the two guards who just nodded, he held Earth's hand and pulled him to follow him.
When they got to his palace,New jumped on Earth who held him in place, Newwie started kissing Earth.
"Kiss me back and fuck me hard or I will kill that bitch of yours." Newwie threatened,Earth's eyes flashed with rage but he still obeyed.
"Yes my Prince."
"Good. Now make me feel good."
The Queen mother was about to go to bed when her phone started ringing,the caller ID indicates it was one of her spies who watches over Newwie,she looked at the phone and wondered why Newwie's assigned spy will called her at this time of the day,they are supposed to call her only when there is an emergency. She received the call nonetheless.
"Is Newwie alright?" She asked.
"Yes,Her Majesty, he is fine and already in his palace." The spy answered making the Queen sigh in relief.
"Then what's the matter?" The spy told the Queen mother all New had done,the kidnapping,the torture and even the deal which is being sealed at the moment. The Queen mother was speechless.
"A-Are you sure that my Newwie did that?"the Queen mother asked after recovering from being temporary mute due to the shock from the news she just received.
"Yes, Her Majesty." She hanged up and sat on the bed, she couldn't fathom how her sweet little baby could turn out like that,she put her night robe on and made her way to Newwie's small palace. She needed to find out if what her spy said is really true. She called Mew and Kongpob to follow her but they were confused as to why their mother wanted them to follow her to god knows where.
",where are we going again?" Kongpob asked,he was still begging Arthit on the phone to come to him in his palace,the latter insists on staying away from him until the wedding so yes the NO SEX rule is still active. He was already frustrated when his mother called to tell him to follow him somewhere at this time,is past 8 pm for crying out loud.
"Yeah....isn't this way to Newwie's palace, is he okay? Why are we going there?" Mew asked,he too was coping with a pregnant wife,Art had been quite moody lately,he is sometimes too emotional,today was one of the days he sleeps on the couch or floor just because...he doesn't even know what he did in the first place. And now instead of getting a good sleep on the floor as he always does he is roaming about with mommy.
"You two just shut up and follow me!" The Queen mother snapped. They both kept quite,it seems their mother is more agitated than them.
Upon arrival at Newwie's palace,the guards at the door didn't know whether to stop the royal family from entering or not,but they know better so they said nothing and allow them into the place.
When the got to the door,they heard moans and gasps coming from the room,Mew and Kongpob looked at each other and turned to looked at the door,the Queen mother closed her eyes and opened them while sighing.
"What the....."
Mew didn't finished when the Queen mother opened the door with a spare key. The view they came to find was, Earth being tied to the bed with a very constipated look on his face with New riding him to oblivion.
"New!!!!!" The Queen mother shouted, New eyes widened and he jolted up from Earth whose huge cock was buried deep inside him, everything was so awkward.
"Oiiii....what the hell are you all doing here?" Newwie whined and wore his robes fast,then he pulled the blanket on Earth whose tanned face was looking red,he looks drugged again.
"What are you doing?" Kongpob asked.
Mew went to where Earth was laying,he got the handcuff's key and unlocked it from Earth's wrists,it didn't seem he even recognized anyone in the room."What did you do to him?" Mew also asked.
"No no...why the fuck did he just allow you to do this shit to him?, you're just an ant compared to him." Kongpob said enraged.
"Well am a Prince,and as a servant like him,he should do as i_ " Newwie didn't finish talking when the Queen mother slapped him so hard his head snapped.
"Shameless! Disgrace! Atrocious! In my throne room, Now!" The Queen said and left, with Newwie still holding his stinging cheeks looking disbelief,no one had lay a hand on him ever.
Please don't hate Newwie,he is just too spoilt.
This is like a filla chapter or something, I hope no one wants to kill me for this right?
Anyway,tell me your opinions of this chapter alright.
Corrections are welcome as always!!
See you around soon dearies!