Woohoo chapter 20. Wow hehe. Thanks for reading. Please vote, comment and follow. 💕 Also, almost a total of 1k views on this book as a whole. That's very exciting 😁
When we walked outside following behind Lucy and Cana, Cana then decided to do something. She pushed Luce into the pool! "AHH!" Lucy yelled as she stumbled towards the pool.Lucy pulled something out of her front pocket and threw it before she fell in the water. What a fast reflex! Jellal must have seen the object flying, 'cause he caught it somehow. I was impressed by that heavenly body bastard.
He held it up and I saw it was her phone. I then remember what just happened.. Lucy!
"LUCE!" I shout as I ran to the side. She pops up and starts treading water and breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" I ask as she coughs a few times.
She didn't respond, so I held my hand out. She took my hand but gave me an evil smirk. It was kinda hot- wait what am I saying..?
What?! She just pulled me in with her instead! You're playing dirty Heartfilia. I come up and she was giggling. It was the cutest thing.. I couldn't be mad!!! I just smiled and splashed her face with water. She splashed me back. I heard Mira squeal a little behind us.
"Now Lucy you're already *hic* swimming, so why not get into the proper *hic* attire?" Cana boasted.
Lucy looked down and then back at Cana. "This was a trick, wasn't it!" She yelled.
"Hey sometimes ideas just *hic* come to us at random times girlie." Cana answers.
Lucy made her way over to the shallow end and slowly got out of the water. Her clothes were drenched in water and her hair was all over the place. She still looked cute to me. The group tried their best not to laugh as she glared towards them.
"Hey Lu you alright?" Levy asks as she walks next to the sopping wet Lucy.
"I guess. I was just shocked is all."
"Okay... so.... you gonna change?" Levy then questions with a smile.
Lucy whispers something to Levy. Even I couldn't quite figure it out, and I've got decent hearing.
"Levy I'm scared they'll think I'm a hypocrite. I mean I preach all this stuff about how girls shouldn't be treated any differently because how they look and all, but... I uh..." I start with a whisper."What are you trying to say Lucy..? We won't call you a hypocrite." She says in a normal tone. Everyone stares at us now as I flick her forehead.
"Shush Levy! You've got a big mouth for a shrimp!" I state.
"Yeah.. Gajeel talks too!"
"Grrr.. Doesn't matter! Why would you be a hypocrite?"
"I dunno.." *sigh* "Mira do you have any sweats I can borrow?"
"No, but I have bathing suits!" She chirps.
"Such a lie. Who doesn't own sweatpants?"
"Oh I do, but I'll only lend you a bathing suit."
"That's just mean!"
"Why not?~ I've got cute ones!"
"...... I think yours may fit." I say while pondering the idea. I trust them enough, plus the pool does sound really nice right now. It may be fun!
"Why, what size are you?"
"Uhm.." I say while rubbing my forearm with my other hand. "I don't know.."
"Some of us brought spares. Who would probably be a close fit for love rival?" Juvia asks kindly.
"Uhh" I say while awkwardly looking around the group. I stop and look at Erza.
"What is it?" She asks.
"...... nothing.."
".....you wanna borrow my extra one?" She chimed with a smirk.
"Depends.. it may not fit though."
"What do you mean?"
*sigh* "I- I don't think I've ever had a more awkward conversation than this." I say while looking down.
"Answer the question!" Erza exclaims. I walk over to her.
"It may be a little small.." I whisper in her ear. She looks at me up and down.
"Small..? I guess we'll just have to see!" She says while pulling my arm into the house- which by the way is still a fucking sauna.
Levy and Erza push me into Mira's bathroom with a bathing suit in my hands. They waited in Mira's room while the rest of the group waited outside Mira's bedroom door.
"Guys I don't know about this. I don't wear anything other than sweats for people. I just-"
Levy cut me off. "You just nothing Lu~Chan! We won't judge! No one will take pictures or tell a soul about this. I know that's what you're worried about."
"I guess..."
"Don't worry love rival! No one here cares." Juvia yells from outside both rooms. Everyone murmurs in agreement.
Mira turned to me and smiled. I look back with a confused expression and she just chuckles. "Natsu you're gonna see Lucy without the sweats. Weird huh?" She whispers."Why's that important just for me? You are too. I guess.. it doesn't matter to me what she looks like Mira. She's a great person and that's what is-" I began to whisper back. I was cut off.
We all heard a door open. I guess Lucy opened the bathroom door. Everyone else was stuck outside the second door though.
"HOLY SHIT LUCY!" Levy shouts.
They were really loud. Geez. Wait- what did they just say..? I'm very interested now.. but looks aren't that important! Well, they are a bonus.....
"S-stop that's not true.." Luce quietly responds.
We hear the bedroom door open. Erza comes out with a goofy smile. Where were Levy and Luce?
"No way I'm coming out. I'll just search for Mira's sweatpants!" Luce yells. I laugh to myself.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Levy's voice booms. I then see Levy pulling something. An arm?
She then pulls Luce into our view. My mouth dropped. I had to look away so I wouldn't get a worse nosebleed. She was wearing a funky pink bikini and her hair was in long pigtails. Lucy was always beautiful, but in this circumstance is it wrong to say she's hot? No, downright sexy?