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This is the tale of four friends of magical blood. Some say they were the greatest sorcerers of all time. Either way, they are how the school of Hogwarts came to be. The Founders of the greatest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Kit Haringtin
Godric Gryffindor

Kiera Knightley asRowena Ravenclaw

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Kiera Knightley
Rowena Ravenclaw

Kiera Knightley asRowena Ravenclaw

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Johnny Depp
Salazar Slytherin

Amanda SeyfriedasHelga Hufflepuff

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Amanda Seyfried
Helga Hufflepuff

Authors Note: This is not a completed work

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Authors Note: This is not a completed work. I have started this work of fanfiction on November 7th 2020. I hope to continue updates. Also note, not all work is accurate to the actual history of these Harry Potter characters. Most information is pieced together from Harry Potter Cannon, and most from assumptions by myself, to create this work.  All rights go to J.K. Rowling. 

Muggles, Wizards and Witches alike are welcome. Alas; let the story begin.

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