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*Gina's POV*

The day finally came. An opportunity to finally meet Simone Brewer. Though it wasn't the best and ideal meeting, it was the best as of now knowing there probably won't be a better opportunity than this.

Two days ago Mrs. Brewer sent an invitation to me inviting me and my parents to her birthday party. Unfortunately, my parents won't be able to attend. Just yesterday they flew to Texas to check up on my brother Gideon, leaving me alone with the decision on whether to attend or not. 

I had decided not to attend, until I got information that Simone will be attending. Now here I am sitting alone at the backseat of my car heading straight to the Brewer's mansion while being a complete nervous wreck.

I felt nervous about what was to come. Nervous due to the unknown. Almost like I was getting ready to sit for an interview.

As the car pulled-up in the driveway I gathered myself for what was to come. 

I sighed hard before stepping out of the car. "Thank you Carl." I said to my driver, who in response smiled, tipping his cap a little.

The car drove by, giving way for more cars to drive through, proving Mrs Brewer's birthday party isn't a small gathering. There was no denying the fact now that the Brewer's are a party, social people. The sort of people I always avoid. But my stupid heart chose otherwise.

It wants Simone Brewer.

My eyes assess the mansion for the first time. I resisted the urge to curse out at how huge the mansion was. For a second I could only say to myself there may be a mistake in calling this a mansion, it was far from a mansion. It's a castle.

Brewer's castle.

For the life of me, I can't begin guessing how many rooms are in there. 

Again, this was living proof of how influential the Brewer's are. And how high on top of the social chain there were.

I came from a family of riches that I know of. But the Brewer's wealth made me feel somehow little.

I slowly let myself into the castle and was being escorted to the area where the party took place after presenting my invite card. The young man led me through a series of halls before stopping in front and knocking on a large mahogany two-way door.

"Come in." Came a response from the other side. Not hesitating, the man in Black suit pushed open the door, gesturing for me to enter.

Uncertain of  what was happening I cautiously walked in the large room, which presented itself to be a bedroom. For a second I became confused on the reason why I was being brought here, rather than to the party ground. Not until a familiar woman's presence became known.

"Regina." Mrs. Brewer exclaimed upon sighting me. Her movements were quick to get to me. She took me off guard with the unexpected hug. Engulfing me in her tight embrace, making it hard to breathe for a second. She pulled back from her tight embrace to gaze at me. "My God, you are so beautiful. Those eyes of yours are as beautiful as he described them." She said in wonder.

"Oh? Thank you? Mrs. Brewer." I responded awkwardly, definitely not used to this sudden closure. Certainly not from someone who happens to be my accidental mother-in-law.

The knowledge of realizing the 'he' she was referring to happened to be Travis. For a moment I had forgotten all about him. My entire thoughts were filled with Simone and how I would approach him with the news of his being the father of my child.

"Oh dear. Don't call me that. I would love for my daughter-in-law not to call me that. Either call me Violet, or mother." She said a huge grin on her ageless face.

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