december 1st
corbyn was sad.
and it was december first. which sucks, because corbyn loves december. he had a perfect reason to be sad, too. he had a few reasons to be sad, actually. the first one being, he was tired. and that's a pretty good excuse to be sad. he was tired of staying in his house all day, tired of the internet, tired of life. the second one being all airlines were shut down from LA to his home state due to snow, so he couldn't see his family. and yeah, his mom and siblings live in LA with him, but he wants to see his grandmother. and lastly, daniel, his boyfriend, is in another state. which sucks.
so he's sad.
he hasn't seen daniel in almost a month, and he was kind of going crazy.
jonah and eben have tried cheering him up, either with cuddles, movies or food, none of which are remotely helping. except the cuddles.
"why don't you go outside with jonah and eben, bug. can't hurt, can it?"
"i'm good." corbyn whispered. "when are you coming home?"
"actually, i'll be home friday. i'm gonna drive, so-"
"too dangerous." corbyn shook his head. he desperately wants daniel home, but he doesn't want him dead. "just... i'll be fine. you go spend time with your family."
"for real, daniel. i'm gonna be fine. i got jo and eben." he gave daniel a small smile. "i'll just steal all your hoodies. it's fine."
corbyn heard keri call for daniel. "i have to go, bug. i'll call you as soon as i can. i love you."
"i love you too, d."
when they hung up, corbyn went downstairs where jonah and eben were. they were both watching some christmas movie on the couch. jonah had a mug of coffee in one hand, the other holding his phone. eben had one arm stretched on the back of the couch, so corbyn sat beside eben, curling up into his side. "what's this?"
"a christmas story." eben replied, starting to play with corbyn's brown hair. "how's daniel?"
"he's fine. he was going to drive down here on friday but it's storming over there so i told him not to."
"that sucks. i'm sorry corbs."
corbyn didn't reply. he just let eben hold him.
jonah, however, stood up. "come on, corbyn. let's get some stuff for cookies."
"i'm comfortable." he whined, really not in the mood to get up again.
"daniel said," corbyn groaned, hiding his face against eben's shoulder. "and i quote, 'corbyn's sad, and nobody wants a sad corbyn, so would you be a gem and make cookies with him.'" jonah read aloud from his phone. "so get up because we're getting cookies."
"eben, control your boyfriend."
eben snorted. "we're not dating."
"not you lying during the holidays! foreshame!" corbyn gasped, letting jonah grab his wrist and pull him up onto his feet.
"you wish you were dating me, e." jonah glared, and stomped away with corbyn. the younger boy raised his eyebrow.
"sexual tension is strong mister marais."
jonah gave him a look while he put his shoes on. "sexual tension?"
"you know, you guys want to fuck but holding-"

let it snow! | dorbyn
Fanfiction‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ (corbyn x daniel) in which corbyn surprises daniel at home for the holidays ( copyright © dilflovers 2020 )