Chapter 28 The Coming Mist

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James was not used to dreams. They did not come easily. Neither did sleep really these days. Sleep has avoided him as if from sickness since the civil war. Since he was a godslayer. Or yet, since he young prince turned adventurer of his early career as a knight. It was not because of the horrid things he had witnessed, as others would surmise from these symptoms. In the past, he has slept soundly knowing what he knows and seeing what he has seen. It bugged him once how he could do that, sleep when others were suffering, and there was nothing he could do. But eventually, he could get over it and return to normalcy. No, this unwillingness to let his mind wander into the immaterial plane of dreams was a different but familiar feeling. A mental affliction that had followed him from the war. And that fact is that Talin still lives.

Indeed, he himself nearly killed the ruler of this evil organization; several of the gods purged and severed whatever ties to the clans they once had. For the first time, forces from all walks of this world had united under a banner to fight a common enemy in the shadows, while their factions throttled each other over trivial matters. But they were still out there. Even if the Prime Noctum Umerius did die, the organization could still rule under a new head. He may have washed clean the clans of the influence of those bastards and demons, but what of the others? The Frostlandians, The outland kingdoms, Shi'Ased. Or worst, Hath and Torlak. He trusts that Remmus would do much the same to Torlak, but with the guild system they are famous for, just how thorough can he be? Hath has had a string of corrupt rulers, on the other hand. He has not spoken to Lizbeth in years. While her sister has taken a simple life as a farmer, she has taken up the task of governing their native land. From what ambassadors have told them, she seemed to be treating the people as well as any queen ought to be. But what can he trust of words over what he sees with his own eyes? He wished he can arrange a meeting between them all and coordinate better the selection of Theurgy members openly. But with the limitation of Remmus and Lizbeth, he has been left only with Celia, who is not going to stay in a single place like Silondras long enough for two sentences. Not with children now. And she made it clear with her and Wilbur's departure from Theurgy they wanted to be left out of governing the clans. They were indeed some of the greatest warriors his kingdom has ever known and some of his greatest friends.

He can feel it. Troubling times are upon them. It's enough that Frostlanders are getting increasingly more confident and aggressive. Shi'Ased, while being benign these past few decades, are always someone to keep their eyes on, and rumors call to general mistrust amongst the nation's various princes and princesses. And now, Talin chooses to arrive now of all times. The possible straw that breaks everything below it. He can't allow that to happen. Not while a crown rests upon his head.

He quickly dressed, in informal clothes, and immediately headed out to seek one of the Paladins. Aurelius has left already to help instruct the defensive measures of the Frostlander's attacks. The only two left in the capital are Lupren and Novia. And for now, he wished to avoid Novia as long as possible. At the very least, Lupren won't be so curious about his personal dealings. He never has. Out of all the people in this castle, he knows the most about Lupren, and the same can not be said in reverse. He could sense his aura, brighter than those around them in the kitchen. No doubt making a count of whatever sweets lay around before the chef could beat him away. He will intercept him there. Novia was still in her chamber, thankfully, along with two others, possibly other explorers. Now and again, people would bow their heads out of respect or greet him openly. He didn't spare the time to welcome them back. He found Lupren as he thought he would be, shouted out as he stumbled out of the kitchen doors, carrying a plate of variously glazed buns.

"They seem extra today," he said merrily. He turned to James, giving a slight curious frown before greeting him with a smile. "Lord James. You're awake earlier than usual, I see. You must believe I was retrieving these for Novia."

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