Chapter 10

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A/N: WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER! I try and make it as obscure as possible, but there are mentions of rape in this chapter! There are also slight spoilers for Inkedalpha's story in this chapter! If you have read past Page 4 in her story, you will be fine! I marked the spots of concern!!

Winter felt her world tilt. Swindle was now under Lucen's control. She remembered Swindle telling her that he had yet to face a demon that was stronger than he was. Fear rose inside her as she tried to think of how they were going to defeat him.

"Winter. Whatever you do, don't look into his eyes. If you do it's all over." Agmos warned her and Winter nodded, remembering the power that Swindle had. He leaned Winter against a tree and she looked up at him, her heart pounding.

"Look, I'm the only one who can fight him, you sit here and heal. I know what to expect of Fancy Lad this time and I'm ready. Everything will be fine." Agmos told her with a smirk. Despite his words, Winter wasn't reassured. He stood and turned to face Swindle and as he did so, Winter saw his face change to his alpha form, Wings sprouting from his back.

'No. This isn't happening! This isn't! I'm going to wake up in Agmos' bed and this will all have been a horrible dream! I can't let this happen!' Winter thought, willing her body to move as Agmos and Swindle began fighting. Lucen strode over to her, watching the two demons clash. Both were evenly matched.

"C'mon, Fancy Lad! This is little league for you! You mean to tell me you're letting a pathetic piece of shit control you like this?!" Agmos snarled. The mask appeared over Swindle's face and Agmos knew he was struggling to keep his full power away from Lucen. Silently cursing, he swiped at the mask with his talons, missing it by mere inches. Swindle used this opening to swipe at Agmos, scratching him across the chest.

"Damn! If that scars I'm gonna kick your ass." Winter couldn't bear watching. They were fighting because she had summoned them there. Because she had let her guard down. Because she was weak.

"Wouldn't it be amusing to see them kill each other? Ugh, you're not even watching!" Lucen gripped her hair tightly, forcing her to watch as Agmos and Swindle fought. Winter let out a cry of pain, but ignored Lucen's grip on her. She watched as Agmos and Swindle both became more bloody. Both of them locked in a fight. In her mind she saw a similar battle between the two, but where this memory was coming from, she didn't know.

"Stop them! Hurry!" A female voice rang in her mind. This one she didn't recognize, but she got the sense the owner knew Agmos and Swindle. In the memory, she knew the one was Agmos, but it didn't look like the same Agmos she knew. Not only were his facial features different, but there was something more animalistic about him. The memory she was being shown showed Swindle in his Prime level and she saw the outcome of that fight if the owner of the voice hadn't stepped in.

"I won't let it." Winter whispered. Summoning her power, she felt it flow through her, taking form in her body. Lucen roared as he was burned, wings of flame sprouted from Winter's back as her Ultimate level was released. Swindle and Agmos dashed towards each other, talons raised.

"STOP!" Winter screamed as she used her wings to go between them. Pain burst from her chest and shoulder as she took the blows from both demons, their talons embedding in her skin.

"WINTER!" Agmos cried, pulling his talons free from her shoulder. Her back was to Agmos and she faced Swindle, ignoring the pain she was feeling. Swindle stood still, his mask hiding his face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Agmos demanded, but Winter just looked at Swindle's mask, panting softly.

"Take care of Lucen, but don't kill him yet." She instructed. Something inside her told her she was the only one who could reach Swindle. Agmos looked over at Lucen who was cradling his burned hand with rage in his eyes. Fluttering his wings, Agmos felt his own rage building inside him.


"Gladly." He growled. Winter didn't hear him, she was focused on Swindle. Her hands took his hand that was still in her chest.

"I know this isn't you. I know you're in there still and I know you can still see what's happening. You can fight it, Swindle." Swindle's talons moved, pushing deeper into her chest, causing her to cry out in pain. It was getting hard to breathe, Swindle's talons having pierced her lung, but she couldn't give up. She had to break him free from the spell. Swindle's other hand gripped her throat tightly, but she still wasn't afraid of him.

"Please, Swindle. Fight it. Don't give up." The claws around her throat dug into her skin as tears sprang to her eyes and fell down her cheeks.

"Please, Swindle, I don't want to lose you. You and Agmos and Achille and Bittie, you all gave me a reason to fight. You helped me when no one else would. But it's you who is the most important to me." Winter looked into his eyes through the mask, knowing if she did, she would be put under his control, but she had to get through to him. And somehow she knew that if she met his gaze, he wouldn't use his power on her.

"I want...I want to see you every morning. I want to learn how to make more foods from you. I want to go back to the apartment. I want to hear your voice say my name. I want to see your smile. I can't lose you, Swindle, I can't!" His grip around her throat lessened. She reached up and pushed his mask up, looking into his eyes. Gently her hand stroked his cheek. He still was expressionless, but Winter saw in his eyes the glimmer of familiarity.

"Fight, Swindle." She whispered before leaning close and kissing him.


The moment Swindle felt the blade pierce his arm, he felt as though everything was bound. He was surrounded by darkness, but could see his body being operated against his will. Struggling, he watched as Winter's eyes widened, but he couldn't look away nor get free of his prison. The only thing he could do was seal his power away from Lucen's control. It was a struggle, but he had to keep everyone safe.

"STOP!" Swindle shouted, struggling as hard as he could, but it was all in vain. He watched as he and Agmos fought, wishing he could break free. But his gaze fell on Winter, feeling white-hot rage fill him when he heard her cry of pain when Lucen gripped her hair.

"WINTER!" But his voice never reached her. This momentary distraction caused his seal on his power to falter, releasing control of his mask to Lucen. His eyes closed, but even so, he could still see what was happening. Swindle opened his eyes and saw his claws slash Agmos' chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Winter going into her Ultimate form and his eyes widened. He almost didn't see her move, but the next minute he saw his talons pierce her chest.

"NO!" He felt the bonds give a little, but they held him still. Despite his desire to keep her safe, he couldn't break free. As he looked at her, he didn't see fear in her eyes. She wasn't scared of him, she was scared of losing him. Swindle heard her words, feeling his heart ache. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and dry her tears. More than anything, he wanted to go back to the way things were as well.

"Winter..." Then her lips met his. The moment they did, teal colored fire surrounded him, freeing him from the bonds that held him, but they didn't burn him. They were protecting him and they slowly took shape of a dragon. Winter's power had reached him, freeing him. The flames died and Swindle felt in control of his body. He returned her kiss, removing his talons from her chest and wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her close to him. Winter wrapped one arm around his neck, the other stroking his cheek gently. After a moment, Swindle broke the kiss, gazing down at her, one hand gently wiping her tears away.

"You're back." She whispered and he smiled, nodding.

"Thanks to you." His words brought a smile to her face. Both forgot where they were until they heard a grunt. Winter's eyes fell on Lucen who was pinned beneath Agmos.

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