kansai boiz
y/n i'm hungyyyyyyyhottertwin
shut ity/n
i ain't even been gone for 10 minutes yet-atsumoo
but i'm hungry 🥺y/n
if ya stop textin me then maybe it'll be done quicker :Dhottertwin
get your ass back here-—
"ALL I AM, IS A MAN!" i sang out as sweater weather began playing from my phone.
i was currently waiting for the rice to finish cooking, all the fillings chopped up and nori sheets waiting on the counter. naturally, being alone in the kitchen, i began having my own performance, dancing about to the song.
the rice was finished and i prepped my mini station before i began making the onigiri. thankfully listening to music passed the time and i had multiple onigiri made up in no time. many mini performances from yours truly.
"i, i did it all~" i danced around whilst cleaning up, "i owned every second that this world could give, i saw so many places the things that i did~"
"yeah with every broken bone, i swear i lived-" i turned to face the door of the kitchen, "aH!" i cried, seeing someone standing there.
"you really do enjoy just singing to yourself, huh?" kiyoomi said.
"i-i- yeah-" my face face must have been steaming by now from the embarrassment.
"i'm not surprised." he shook his head.
"well you actually listened on the call?" i tried to hide my shock.
"of course."
"no mask?"
"no... i just assumed you'd need some help carrying food over. i don't mind just walking over here without it."
"you're sure? well how sweet, thank you muchly." i smiled.
"onigiri." he said.
"good eyes."
"i filled some with umeboshi for ya." i smiled, making his face light up ever e v e r so slightly.
"nice one. can we take it over now so atsumu stops complaining?"
"part of me wants to say no, let the others suffer with him a little longer. but that's mean, let's go."
i picked up one of the trays and was ready to hand it over to him but stopped myself.
germs? ah- i don't know, would it make him uneasy- ooh. there's some anti-bac wipes there.
i quickly stepped over and took a wipe out, wiping the bottom of the tray before removing my hand and holding it with the wipe instead and taking it over to him.
he gave me a strange look but took it and held it carefully.
i tried to ignore the look but instead furrowed my brows at him.
"i don't know." he shrugged. "usually people are just careless about the germs, that's all."
"oh." was my reply as i grabbed the other tray and headed towards him, now walking off toward the gym. "i mean, i'm not that troubled by them, but you are so i'm not going to try make you uncomfy."
i looked at him, and he just nodded.
"also frick you, why are you taller than me?" i pouted.
"sucks to be short."
"LUNCH!" atsumu yelled as we stepped into the gym.
"gather round boys." i called. they all took a few onigiri, slumping down around the hall in groups, taking a break.
"i'll go fill up bottles now." i called out before collecting them up and walking out with the multiple bottle holders.
it took a good 5 or so minutes to rinse them all out and fill them, putting them back in the right order. after finishing, i headed back into the gym and left them there for the boys to grab.
"they went quickly..." i heard komori say.
"you dumbasses!" suna scolded.
"who the hell took the last ones?" kiyoomi looked around.
"what's got you all in a twist?" i inquired.
"what- huh?" sumu tilted his head.
"do you lose even more braincells when you're hungry?" suma asked.
"what'd i do?!"
"you didn't save any for y/n-" kiyoomi narrowed his eyes.
"oh," i gave a laugh. "you're good, you guys need the energy more."
"you dumb fucker-" samu scolded his twin, and right before our eyes, the two were fighting.
"why am i not surprised?" the coach sighed.
"i am." suna said.
"yeah, i thought they would have fought sooner." komori admitted.
"and how do you guys usually handle this?" i asked.
"we let them fight it out a little before pulling them apart." omimi answered.
a smirk tugged at my lips. "it's been a good while since i've seen this. you guys mind if i sort this one out."
"go for it." kita signalled.
"did you used to have to sort their fights out as kids?" aran asked.
"hm. i got the knack for it now."
and with that, i approached the two boys fighting on the ground before crouching down and smiling, grabbing each by the hair, making them freeze in place. "hi boys."
"y-y/n-" the both shared a look before staring at me.
i moved my hand from their heads to their shoulders, leaning towards atsumu firsts. "do i need to tell osamu about how you made me take the blame for that girl dumping him in elementary when it was you who made her date him as a joke in the first place?" i whispered.
"no-no" he shook his head frantically.
"and do i need to tell atsumu how you're the one that catfished him into almost hooking up with a drug dealer?! somehow i managed to take the fall for that." i shoved osamu after whispering to him.
"i'm sorry!" he shot at me.
"now boys." i sighed and smiled again, "apologise."
"i'm sorry bro!" atsumu sobbed, jumping at osamu for a hug.
osamu froze before just patting his brother on the back and apologising too.
"what witchcraft is that-" kiyoomi furrowed his brows.
"it's called blackmail." i smirked.
"eh?!" they all gawked, "how do you get the to apologise with blackmail."
"because each of them have done something to the other and i ended up taking the blame. i just threaten them to tell the truth."
"if i were you i would just expose them anyway." kiyoomi began stretching out.
"i'm not a meanie." i huffed.
"blackmail seems pretty mean~" akagi teased, shoving my arm.
"heyyy." i sighed. "well enough fighting, it's over. go stretch out and back to practice!"

reader X k.sakusa
Fanfictiona fic in which an asexual reader falls for germaphobe. apparently being childhood friends with the troublesome miya twins wasn't all that bad if it got you here. started 11.08.21 completed ??? - I do not own any of the characters in haikyuu, also t...