Now this is a story about a family you ought to know
Who are full of all things knowable and things that need to be known
This is the story of the Snaffes
There is Safe Snaffe
Ham Snaffe
Flap Snaffe
And Helmet-Face Snaffe
Safe Snaffe has a giant golden padlock on a chain around her neck to look Safe and stay safe and says safe to every Snaffe
With a light knuckle to knuckle tap
And With the occasional braaap
Ham Snaffe is 80% ham 2 percent Snaffe
And Flap Snaffe is 80% flap jack and 2 percent Snaffe
Then there's Helmet-Face Snaffe
Who just has a helmet as a face
Now the Snaffes Snaffe
Just how nutters nut
Just how stutters stutt
And how knitters knit
The same way sitters sit
Tho you wouldn't find the word Snaffe in any dictionary on earth
The word Snaffe means simply
To create worlds and creatures with your minds
that come to life
When imaginations give birth
But only Snaffes can Snaffe
Does that seem fair?
Tho things don't really seem
Nor do things seem there
They have the wildest of adventures
And see things no one ever will
Like swimming with fishy gorillas
And sleep sliding with sluggy sloths
And riding bus ferrets with wheels
For real
They explored hammy deserts
That swarmed with dragon fly pugs
And flying hamsters and clown pigs
And goats with octopus arms that gave never ending hugs
They live in the tallest tower of plastic cups anyone has ever seen
Of which they float around inside
As there is too much upthrust
And not enough gravity
Now In order to Snaffe a world of Snaffes
You have to float to the top of the tower
Tap heads together and spin for half an hour
But in every story there's always an enemy
In this case there's is a live pocket of spaghetti
That lurks and twerks and wriggles and jiggles
The most unpleasant spag pock
In all the squiggles
"Go Snaffe yourself!" It would say.
Now this was very rude
Its like a telling a sniffer
To sniff himself
Or a chewer himself to chew
It didn't want them to escape the big world of reality
Where not even cares care
Nor do hearers want to hear
Nor do see'ers want to see
Nor do sharers want to share
But no matter what Snaffes will always Snaffe
And seems will always be fair
Tho things don't really seem
Nor do things seem there.