Xazel incubus with a heart beat
I'm fucking pissed. I've no idea why my heart's going off in my chest. That damn woman I growl. I can't perform my normal duties, my cock lay flaccid against my thigh. I've had both women and men demons come and try their best to make it rise. Nothing is working. Necas comes in and asks what's wrong. "A witch named Lilith has cursed me," I growl. "Long black hair, green eyes and an amazing piece of ass," Necas questions. He starts laughing as I nod. "There's something different about her Xazel, she summons demons for pleasure, I've been with her as well, never been cursed, but she's powerful enough to do it," he smirks. "I need permission to venture into the human world," I instruct Ardon. "Yes master," he bows while rubbing my length. "Stop, Ardon my snake is dead, nothing will make it rise," I growl in annoyance. "Have you found anything on why my heart is beating," I mumble. He shakes his head looking at the ground. "Go and get me my permission for above then, I have a witch to visit," I push him towards the door. Several hours later Ardon brings me an amulet that will allow me to travel to the human world disguising my true appearance. I hang it around my neck. "You will have to wear clothing like the humans," he balks, handing me several magazines of clothing styles to choose from. He takes a card, puts it in a wallet and hands it to me. "Your identity and money master," he smirks. Ardon explains that I need to hold the amulet and think of a place and it will send me there, same with my appearance, just focus on what I want to look like and I'll become it. I told him I looked good as I was. Ardon insisted that I ditched my horns, tail, fangs and changed my eyes. I looked at the photo identification, thumbed through the magazines and twirling my finger, changed to something appropriate. I Still have my long black hair, caramel skin and now light gray eyes. I stood in front of him and Adron nodded his head in approval. "I will still have my power correct," I question. He nods. "Fabulous, see you in a few," I grin and vanish.
I reappear in front of a small country home. I frown at my surroundings until I hear Lilith speaking to her chickens. I grin like a predator and walk towards her to introduce myself. She pauses when she sees me, her eyes going up and down my body taking me all in. "You must be my new apprentice," she grins and offers me her hand. I laughed in my mind. "I'm Lilith, and you," she questions."The name is Ardon," I grin at her with my perfect straight teeth. This got so much easier. I grin and shake her hand. My cock was growing in the constricted area of my jeans. I hate wearing clothes. I adjusted myself and watched as Lilith began walking to her house, chatting about chores and spell work. I smile and follow watching her ass swing back and forth.
"This will be your room, there was an unfortunate accident that occured in here last week but its been cleansed of any negative effects," she grins up at me. She grabs my hand showing me the rest of her home. My damn heart was racing in my chest, I could hear it in my head, I frowned and thumped my chest hard to calm it. The damn witch was causing it. It was much more noticeable in her presence. Lilith states she will cook dinner for us. I can't remember the last time I ate real food. I nod to her and head to my temporary housing area. I look over the small bed and tiny room shaking my head. I twirled my finger and redecorated the entire room to my liking. Satisfied, I sat down in a lounge chair and grabbed the remote turning on the flat screen TV.
Lilith and the apprentice
I can't believe they sent me another apprentice, they didn't even contact me. He sure is an attractive man I smirk. Maybe I will be able to get Xazel off my mind. Damn incubus, I growl to myself. I prepared some hot beef sandwiches, I poured the brown gravy with mushrooms on the top, set it on the counter and headed to Ardon's room. I knocked and said dinner was ready. I went back into the kitchen to wait. Ardon sauntered in looking like he showered, wearing different clothes than before, I eyed him with appreciation. He sat at my tiny table watching as I set a plate before him. "What's this," he frowned. "It's a hot roast beef sandwich," I grin. He takes a bite and smiles. "This is remarkable." He continued shoveling it into his mouth. I sat down and took small bites of mine. He had finished before I was halfway through mine. I was full anyway. "Would you like dessert," I suggest. He eyes me and gives me a suggestive grin. "I meant apple pie," I chuckle. He shrugs his shoulders. I get up and cut a piece of pie and put it in my microwave, warming it a few minutes before putting a glob of cinnamon ice cream on top. I bring to the table and watch as Ardin's eyes go wide over the bite in his mouth." That's the best fucking thing I have ever eaten," he moans. "Glad you have a sweet tooth, I love to bake," I laughed. He watched me as I began cleaning up and doing dishes. His brow raised as he watched. "Let me clean up for you, you cooked after all," he smiled. I glanced at him and was surprised. Sexy and thoughtful. I set the wash rag down and nodded. "Sounds fair mister," I grin and headed to my living room. Xazel was scowling at himself. What in the fuck am I doing. He slaps himself in the forehead. He's never agreed to do mundane tasks like this. He frowns and twirls his finger cleaning the entire kitchen, then sits down with another piece of pie savoring the flavor. Lilith walks in the kitchen and looks around. "You're fast," she smirks, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. She smiles at me and heads to her bedroom.
Xazel and Lucifer
I ate the whole fucking pie. I was licking the sweetness off my fingers and thinking about the witch. I shake my head and go to my room. The smell of Lilith permeated her house. I tried lying down only to be inundated with dreams of the naked witch squirming beneath me and my dick rock hard. I open my eyes and growl. Since when do demons dream. Something strange was going on with me and I needed answers. I flash back to hell to be greeted by the big guy himself, Lucifer. "Heard you're having an issue with a witch," he chuckles at me. "Tell me all that has happened, perhaps I can help," he grins at me. So I sat down explaining everything that had happened. He listened attentively, nodding and smiling. "Xazel I think you may have found your equal and are falling in love," Lucifer chuckles. I scowl at him. "Demons don't fall in love, lust yes, but not love," I growl. He shakes his head. "I'm the devil Xazel, demons can and do fall in love quite often," he laughs, hitting my arm. "I'm not falling in love with that annoying witch," I sneer. Lucifer is looking at me like I'm crazy. "Well I'm relinquishing your duties here until you can start collecting souls, you're useless to me without that ability," he growls and vanishes. I growl and hold my amulet and appear back in my bed. My nose fills with Lilith's scent instantly and I groan.
The next morning there is pounding on my bedroom door. I growl and throw the covers over my head to block the annoying sound. Lilith opens the door and gasps. "How did you change this," she mumbles her eyes going over the remodeled room. I peek my eyes out from under my blanket. "I used a spell," I mumbled. "Impressive, you'll have to show me," she grins and claps her hands. "Come on big guy it's time to slop the pigs, feed the chickens and tend to the garden," she demands. I moan it was too early. I roll out of bed standing nude in front of her and grin at her face turning red. "Um, a, get dressed and head outside," she choked, closing the door. I twirled my finger to dress myself in jeans, t-shirt, work boots and head outside and realize the sun wasn't even up yet. Lilith hands me a bucket of foul smelling scraps of food and tells me to feed the pigs. I scowl and head towards their pen. I watch her scatter feed for her chickens and collect eggs. The pigs all scampered away from me. I chuckled, they could sense what I was unlike the ignorant witch. I poured the smelly slop into their troughs and walked back to Lilith. I watched as she grabbed a chicken and a butcher knife and lopped off its head. "Chicken for dinner," she grins holding up the headless bird. "I'll cook us breakfast and we can tend the garden after sunrise," she tells me as she walks past. I stare after her, my mouth slightly aghast. She's adorable, my mind states. I shake my head and follow her back inside. I take my seat at the small table and watch Lilith prepare food. It smelled good. She says she's making bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and cinnamon rolls. I smile at her scampering. She soon sets a large plate of food in front of me. "Would you like coffee, tea, orange juice or milk," she asks smiling at me. "Surprise me," I grin. She nods and brings me a steaming cup of coffee. I dig in and am surprised at the amazing cook she is. I could get used to this, I chuckled at the thought. My plate emptied, I take a sip of the hot coffee and am amazed at the rush it's giving me. I lean back in the chair and watch Lilith lift her fork to her full lips and chew. My cock is stirring as I get lost focusing on her mouth. She glances at me and grins. I moaned and her brows raised. Shit did I do that out loud . I frown and look away. "Look at me Ardon," she growls. I glance sideways at her and she slams the table with her hands. My eyes widened at her outburst. "Your Xazel damn it," she sneers. "Do you take me for a fool, what the fuck is this," she yells at me, pointing at my person. I cower from her anger, so unlike me. "I'm changing and I think you're causing it," I growl. Lilith shakes her head and frowns. "I have done nothing to you, you're the one that has done something to me," she shouts her hands on her hips. Now I was pissed, I stood and glared down at the witch. "I'm an incubus that can only get hard for you, my heart is beating again and even Lucifer is telling me I'm falling for you, I cannot do my assigned job in hell, I think I have the worst problems," I growl at her, changing to my true form. She pauses, her eyes widened as she looks up at me. Then she starts to burst into laughter. I shake my head and frown. "How did you know it was me," I mumbled. Lilith looks hard at me, a slight grin on her lips. "Your eyes were red, when you moaned," she smirks. "Listen I don't want any trouble with you, I um enjoyed our sex, it was incredible, but I haven't changed you in anyway and maybe we are just attracted to each other," she groans looking at the floor. I laughed at that. "Doesn't explain me getting my heart beat back, it races around you and it's annoying," I scowl. She glances at me and smiles as she walks towards me. I glare down at her as she stands before me. Lilith raises to her tippy toes and presses her lips softly against mine. I opened my mouth for her and savored the feel of her tongue caressing mine. It was a gentle assault on my senses. I wrapped my arms around her and pressed her close to my body. My cock was throbbing, pressed between us. She took her hand and stroked it from head to base. I groaned loudly. "Come on big guy, let me go take care of that," Lilith smirks. She pulls me into her bedroom and starts taking her clothes off. I sit down on the bed watching her. She walks towards me, puts her hand on my chest and pushes me down. I'm laying there amazed as she crawls up and lowers herself onto me. Her wet walls wrapped around my shaft and I'm aghast. Lilith takes over doing all the work, I'm moaning as she moves up and down me moving slowly. I've never felt anything so erotic. She bends over and starts kissing me gently, running her tongue across my lips and down my neck. I started bucking my hips wanting to penetrate her very depths. I sensed her soul latching onto me. I could have easily removed it but I backed away from it. Lilith orgasmed hard and I did as well. She smiles down looking into my eyes and kisses me again. We continue to have sex the entire day. Holy shit I think Lucifer was correct, I didn't take her soul, and I had plenty of chances too. I sigh in confusion and hold Lilith close to me placing a kiss on the top of her head.