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The fire had burnt low and only a few glowing embers were left. The evening was quiet and all that remained was Sonic, stood on the cliff and watching a few late birds fly about and chirp in the twilight air.

"...You okay?" came a voice behind him. It was Tails.

"Nice sunset, eh?" Sonic found himself smiling, aware of his best friend coming to stand beside him.

"Red sky at night..." Tails noted, echoing the popular folk saying. He then glanced down at what was left of the bonfire. "So everything is gone."

"Yep. Your computer stick too. I'll buy you a new one."

"...I made it."


Tails looked up to spy the first star of the evening. "...No word from Eggman," he mentioned as he did so.

Sonic didn't react immediately to that. He just breathed in slowly and exhaled softly.

"No. Still, it's only been a few days. It'll probably be another year again before he crawls back out to play."

"Can't imagine he'll let you off without roboticising you next time around."

"...He's done his worst," Sonic grimaced while murmuring, lifting his hand to gently touch the edge of dressed wound.

"...You should be resting," Tails told him. "The damp in the air won't do your neck any good."

"Can't rest now, little bro," Sonic smiled, wrapping an arm around Tails' shoulders. "We've got a baby echidna on the way and, according to Amy, the greatest wedding since Knucklehead was frogmarched down the aisle."

"Now is that YOUR wedding or Silver and Blaze's?" Tails grinned.

"Depends if Fluffy can actually muster up the quills to put a ring on that girl's finger. Chaos knows it's taken him long enough."

"He'll do it."

"Nothing like a little excitement to bring people closer together."

"Like us?"

"Like us."

The pair of them stood together and looked out across the West Plains where Sonic loved to run sometimes.

Tails could rarely recall a time when he and Sonic just stood there and just did nothing. His childhood was lived on the run, dodging badniks and evading mad scientists, travelling through time and fighting monsters, collecting Chaos Emeralds and learning secrets, travelling to space and raising Chao, making friends and creating life-long alliances, forming resistance groups and ensuring freedom...

Perhaps that would stop for most of them one day. But looking at his friend now and seeing just how eager he was for adventure and how his ears seemed to prick as the wind breezed past them were enough to tell Tails that Sonic wasn't going to be stopping any time soon and he doubted he ever would.

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