Day 5 - ???
Location: Courtroom
Monokuma: Let's begin with a simple explanation about the class trial!
Seiyoung: *sigh*
Monokuma: In the class trial, each of you will contribute to one big discussion, using the 'truth bullets' you've found to work your way to answer the one big question, 'whodunnit'!
Mj: We already know this... What's the poi-
Monokuma: Once the time is up, or if you guys finish arguing, then we'll move onto the vote!
Monokuma: In the voting phase, everyone must select one person who they believe is the 'blackened'! If the 'blackened' receives the most votes, then they alone will be punished! However, if the wrong person is voted for...
Arvind: Yes yes, we know. We're going to die.
Monokuma: That's right! Everyone BUT the blackened will die! AHAHAHAHA!
Cai: That won't be a problem. Go ahead and commence the trial, Monokuma.
Monokuma: Sure thing! Ahem! The trial for the murder of Reagan... Begins! Go!
Cai: First of all. Let's talk about the murder itself, just so we can get it out of the way.
-=Nonstop Debate=-
Cai: The murder took place at 11:28am.
Mj: The cause of death was through his eyeball being popped.
Seiyoung: Meaning that his death was instantaneous.
Mathew: Actually, it may not be. No, that's wrong!
-=Nonstop Debate End=-
Mathew: It might not have been, Sei.
Seiyoung: What?
Mathew: Part of the cause of death was by shock. Besides, I don't think someone would die instantly from their eyeball being popped.
Joyce: Wouldn't the shock come from the eyeball being popped?
Arvind: It doesn't fucking matter anyway! He probably died from shock one second after his eyeball was popped.
Mathew: True. Either way, we should carry on. Let's talk about the crime scene next.
-=Nonstop Debate=-
Mathew: Was there anything odd about the crime scene itself?
Mj: Well... Reagan's room was burnt to a crisp.
Seiyoung: Reagan himself was laying on his bed, backside-down.
Joyce: There wasn't any blood on his bed. The only area that was bloody was his eye socket.
Cai: There was also residue left from his eyeball...
Mj: What a terrible crime! Who would do something like this?
Joyce: I'm sure we'll get them! Don't worry, Mj!
Cai: How did the killer even get in...?
Arvind: I bet the killer broke in and killed them!
Mj: Wait. That's not right. No, that's wrong!
-=Nonstop Debate End=-
Mj: The door lock was actually busted to begin with, I think...
Arvind: Ha. "You think". Obviously that was from the killer breaking in!
Seiyoung: Actually. That couldn't have been the case.
Mj: Yeah.
Seiyoung: The door frame was in perfect shape, with no signs of it being forced.
Arvind: Maybe the killer broke in and was lucky!
Mathew: No. I think the lock was broken by Monokuma. Besides, forced entry is impossible, so the killer most likely walked in.
Cai: Now that we've talked about the murder details. Let's get alibis out of the way, just so we can narrow down the list of suspects.
Mj: I agree. I wonder who has the strongest alibi...
Joyce: Yeah, I wonder who... Before we begin, though. Let me remind you guys that the death took place at 11:28. So when talking about your whereabouts, tell us specifically where you were at the time of death. Mj, let's start with you.
-=Nonstop Debate=-
Mj: I was in the biology lab with Mathew at the time of the murder. I was there since 11:20, where I ran into Cai. After she left, I lingered there for a little while, before I ran into Mathew at the time of death.
Joyce: So that clears Mj. Mathew, what about you?
Mathew: A few minutes before the time of the murder, I was in classroom d42 - collecting flags on the ceiling. I tripped off the stack of tables and hurt my back.
Arvind: Ha! What an idiot.
Mathew: Regardless. After the pain wasn't as bad, I went to the biology lab, where I ran into Mj along the way.
Joyce: So that confirms the two of them.
Arvind: Let me confirm myself next, since I have a strong alibi.
Joyce: Strong? Really? No, that's wrong!
-=Nonstop Debate End=-
Joyce: Really, Arvind? Do you really think your alibi is strong?
Arvind: Considering I've been in my room all day. Yes, my alibi is fucking strong!
Joyce: How the fuck do you call that strong?!
Arvind: Let me ask everyone, did anyone see me prior to the murder?!
Seiyoung: No...
Mj: I didn't...
Joyce, Mathew, and Cai remain silent.
Arvind: Exactly. This should be proof enough that I never set foot outside my room.
Cai: Either way. It's not a strong alibi. Let's continue.
-=Nonstop Debate=-
Cai: Sei? Could you tell us your alibi?
Seiyoung: Unfortunately, my alibi isn't strong either... I was in my room the entire time.
Cai: Joyce?
Joyce: I woke up at 12 to go to the shop. Prior to that, I was in my room the entire time, so I don't have a solid alibi.
Cai: In terms of my movements. After leaving the biology lab at 11:20, I went to have lunch in the refectory.