The next morning rays on sunlight glistend through the window, and the smell of freshly brewed earl gray tea filled the room, you hadnt opened your eye just yet but you could tell you where alone in the bed, due to the absence of levis arms around you ,but you didnt really care and it was warm and soft. I just want to lay here for a bit, then Ill go see what levi is up to.
You thought to your self.
Then you felt a weight press down on the bed, and then Levi wrapped his arm around yours waist, snuggling up to you, pressing his nose into the nape of your neck. You giggled a little and snuggled into your pillow. The pillows smell like him.
You gently pressed your back to his surprisingly shirtless chest. Reaching your hand to hold his face as you opend your eyes and looked at him over your shoulder.
"Morning sleeping beauty." he said with his expressionless face, but you could tell he ment it with love.
"Good morning." you said as you rolled over on your other side to face him, and just burried your face into his chest, and just laid there for a minute. Hehe, he smells so good, and this bed is so soft and warm.
"Levi, do I have to get up? I wanna stay here just like this for the rest of the day."
"Tch. I wish we could, but we both have work to do.. Sadly."
"Aw.. Okay fine.." you whinned.Thats when he tried to get up, but you quickly wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him back into the bed.
"Oi! Y/N! Baby we have to get up!"
"Just a few more minutes.. Please daddy." you looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and begged.
"Damnit. I cant tell you no.." so he got back into bed and you both just cuddled for a bit. The feeling of his arms around you brought a sense of safty and comfort over you, and you enjoyed it.
I think last night was the best Ive slept in weeks..."You know we have to get up now right y/n."
"Okay fineeee." you reluctantly let him go as he got up, and you soon followed, realizing you didnt have your uniform with you.
"Levi, I have to go back to the girls dormitory, its where all my stuff is, including my uniform. But idk what the girls will say I never came back last night." your mind raced as all the thoughts of questions the would have flooded through your mind. You really didnt want to explain yours self.
"Its fine, Ill go get your things, you will be staying with me from now on okay brat. "
"Okay." you wernt expecting that to be his reply but you wernt gonna say no.
After he got dressed into his uniform he left the room to go get your things from the dormitory.
Returning he had your duffle bag full of cloths, your shower stuff, and the book that you had been reading, setting them down neatly in a corner, and the book on the night stand by your bed.
"Well, they had lots of questions Ill tell you that much. And Mikasa was giving me a damn death glare the whole time I was in there."
He said sitting down on the end of the bed.
"Oh god.." uou got up and ggot your uniform out of your bag and went to the bath room to change.
"What are you doing?"
"Im gonna go change in the ba-"
You realized the confused tone in his voice.
"Y/n, we had sex last night, Ive already seen you naked you dont have to change in the bathroom."
"I- I know, but it makes me uncomfortable for some reason, can I please just change in the bath room levi?" you asked.
"Tch. Fine, but still."
"Thank yoouuu! I love youu!" you said walking into the bathroom and shutting and locking the door behind you.After your morning routine and a make out sesion with levi you both left his corridors. You heading to the mess hall for breakfast, and him going to Hanges lab, for some reason.
Making it to the mess hall and sitting with Sasha, Mikasa, Armin,Eren,Conny and Jean.
"Hey Y/n. You never came back last night?" Sasha questioned.
"Uh, Yeah.. I stayed- I was with Hange." you lied.
"No you wernt, Hange was looking for you all night?"
"Why are you lying we all know you where with levi. " Mikasa said as she stabbed the food of her plate with he fork.
"Okay fine I was with levi. But what does it matter. "
"It doesnt." Mikasa replied.
"Just cause you hate him doesnt mean I cant date him jesus crist."
You said , then stood up and left. Bumping into levi on the way out. But you kept walking, and just went back to levis office. Opening the door you shut it then just started pacing his office trying to calm your nerves.
A slight click as the door opened and levi stepped in.
"You okay Y/N?"
"No. Mikasa is such a fucking bitch sometimes. She doesnt like theat we are dating cause you beat the shit out of eren once upon a time. But that doesnt give her the right to be a bitch towards me."
"Tch. Calm down Y/n, we dont need her approval okay."
His voice coming across smooth and sweet.
"Okay.. " he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug, causing you to relax."Hehe, you smell good."
"I know."A/N
Sorry for the short chapter I just dont have any ideas rn.

Love For The Corporal (levi x reader )
FantasyA story of love, lust, and protection. Does this grey eyed emotionless captin levi really love? you wonder. ever since you joined the scouts 6 months back, you have never seen the mans stone face smile. but you cant help but fall for him over time...