Chapter Six: Poco a Poco

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"When it rains, it pours."

Yoon Se-ri is positively livid.

On top of not getting enough sleep the night before, having to deal with cold showers in the morning, and being caught in a heavy traffic jam caused by a vehicular accident (man, what is up those?!), she finds herself flinging about in her office as she looks for a missing folder.

It's not enough that she had been faced with the impossible dilemma this morning of dealing with two different yet equally irate dance groups who, it seems, had been booked for the same dance coach at the same time.

Thankfully, a compromise was reached, and the two groups had ended up being friends with each other at the end of the class.

Se-ri, of course, had reprimanded whoever was responsible for the mix-up, using her very calm yet very effective manner of admonishment – by talking quietly.

This method would freak out her employees so much more than if she were to scream at them, but the resulting effect would almost always be positive.

This method would freak out her employees so much more than if she were to scream at them, but the resulting effect would almost always be positive

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She uses that very same quiet yet commanding demeanor now as she tries to keep her cool.


Ju-meok feebly shakes his head, trying to catch his breath as he had just arrived on the top floor after combing every single room in the building, trying to find the missing folder.

"I'm sorry, Daepyonim."

Se-ri sighs, trying not to seem too agitated lest she frighten her loyal innocent assistant.

"You only apologize if you did something wrong, Ju-meok," she replies in an almost automatic tone.

She realizes what she had just said and stands up straight, un-crossing the arms that had been folded in front of her in a tight bundle. "And how many times do I need to tell you not to call me that."

Though her expression doesn't quite soften, the young assistant visibly relaxes upon hearing this. "I'm sorry, I mean, uh, I'll keep that in mind, Noona."

"That's better. And it's alright, I'll deal with it."

Ju-meok promises to keep a lookout for the folder before bowing to take his leave.

Left with no other choice, the Seri's Studios CEO approaches the bookshelf behind her office desk. After scanning the contents from top to bottom, she eventually picks up a framed photograph of herself that had been taken during one of her first theatrical plays.

She takes out the photo from the glass and smoothens it, looking at herself with a mix of pride and humility.

What a long way we've come, she thinks, running her fingers all over the glossy front. She remembers the day she found out she had been cast as a lead dancer in the play.

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