Twenty One

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I've never felt this unbelievably happy

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I've never felt this unbelievably happy. I've never felt the pleasure I do when I'm with Damon. He's my entire world and I'm so fucking happy. "Morning baby" he grins pulling me into his arms. He got released from the hospital six days ago and I don't recall spending a moment apart. The amount of sex we've enquired is something mad.

I smile pressing my lips to his. "What's on our agenda for today?" He asks. I grin poking his nose with a giggle. "You have a hockey game, which I will be in the stand screaming my lungs out" he smiled. Damon grins peppering kisses all over my face. "Why am I so lucky?" He smiles at me. I raise a dumbfound eye brow in his direction before I speak. "You're lucky? You saved my life. Brought me back to the land of the living the moment I saw you" I purse my lips.

If anything I'm the lucky one. I have the most amazing man I could ever ask for. I have two amazing best friends and a gramz that has such a big heart. I smile at the thought and flop on my back. My bare tits falling out of the blankets. I'm the happiest girl in the world and I know someone is about to shatter my thunder.

Sam comes blazing into the bedroom and stops his eyes focusing on my tits as his tongue falls out of his mouth. "Nice tits, Hanna," he drawls. "Eyes up here, asshole!" Damon barks. Sam shoots him a sly smile before he speaks again. "The hockey game is at 3, get out of bed, we have to leave in about an hour to make it to Chicago," he replies. Damon nods before he smirks.

"Unless you want to see my monster dong, I'd leave" he grins. Sam rolls his eyes and exits shutting the door being him. Rolling my eyes I climb out of bed throwing one of Damon's t-shirts over my exposed tits. "Hey, I wanted to play with them" Damon pouts. I giggle before pulling my sweatpants up my legs.

"Maybe if you behave, I'll let you after the game" I smirk. He grins in response, jumping out of bed and pulling his own sweatpants on grabbing a t-shirt before following me down the stairs to meet the boys. "About time, have you even left the bedroom in six days" Damien smirks at us. I glare at him, making my way into the kitchen to abduct some orange juice.

"Does she like kinky?" Damien pipes up. I practically spit my orange juice back into the glass at his comment. My head whipping around to face the four of them with daggers in my eyes. "Nobody! Is putting anything around my wrists, in me or any fuckery whatsoever" I exclaim. With that I march up the stairs in a dramatic huff.

The sound of laughter echoes in the halls as I close the bathroom door behind me. Fucking boys. I growl as I start washing my face. The sudden need for orange juice has ended after their ridiculous comments. Fuck-. Stepping out of the bathroom I make my way back into Damon's room closing the door behind me only to find him sitting there with handcuffs in his hands.

"Damien said I could use them" he smirks. The horrified look on my face reminds him of the words I just sputtered downstairs. "No, Damon. You will never put those around my wrists" I bark. Stomping down the stairs I shove at Damien's chest anger laces around me. "Asshole" I growl. He smirks at me before kissing my head. "You'd love it, Aussie" he grins at me.

What the fuck is with these jackasses calling me Aussie? My name isn't Aussie! "My names not Aussie," I declare. "You're Australian so it's your nickname" Ace smiles at me. Asshole. "I may be Australian but who said I liked being called that" I bite out. Sam grins causing my anger to grow. Shoving him, he falls backwards over the couch.

I smirk in triumph crossing my arms with a satisfied smile. "Such a tiny person, filled with so much anger" Ace pouts. "Hey! You used to be on my side" I frown. He grins poking my cheeks. "Now you're a part of the group since you're Damon's girl so you automatically get treated like the rest of the group" he drawls.

Rolling my eyes I saunter into the kitchen to make some more orange juice. Children. I growl slowly as I take a sip from the glass. "We have to go Damon!" Damien yells from the bottom of the staircase. Fuck. I have the biggest migraine. Rubbing my temple I throw my jacket on and shove my feet into my boots.

Patiently waiting for Damon to join us. Once we're all crawled into Ace's type r, I close my massaging my temple aggressively. "You okay, baby?" Damon whispers against my ear, worried cloud king his eyes. I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. Fucking Damien and his constant yelling.

For what seems like hours were driving until the bright lights of Chicago light up the road ahead. I sigh with relief, my entire body aches and I have to pee so bad I have to clench my legs together so I don't ruin Ace's seats. Huffing I close my eyes and lay my head against Damon. "Five minutes, Aussie" Damien says from the front. I noticed the nickname has grown.

Not only do these four call me Aussie but their entire hockey team addresses me as Aussie the moment we stepped into the Chicago hockey arena. Kissing Damon goodbye I wander into the hockey arena taking my seat as I await the fame to begin. As soon as Damon hits the ice my eyes track him like the delicious human specimen he is.

I feel myself on my feet before I even know it as goals are scored and the crowd cheers. I think I'm losing my voice with how loud I'm screaming. My throat burns but I don't care. Watching the man I love play the game he loves just makes me absolutely happy. I almost stumble this time as I leap to my feet screaming when Ace slaps the puck into the opposite teams net.

As I drag my tired legs to wait for the team I crash into a hard chest. When my eyes look up my face pales and I think I stop breathing. Jared Tucker. The horror on my face makes him register exactly who I am and he gulps. "Hanna-." He quickly turns on heel and follows his teammates towards the exit. Fuck. Closing my eyes I plaster a fake smile on my lips when Damon comes walking out of the locker rooms a smile of victory on his lips.

"We did it baby" he beams. I nod unable to get words out without addressing what I just encountered. I smile at him as he slides his arm around me, walking side by side as we head out of the arena. My face pales again when I notice Jared lingering by the door. "Hanna, could- we uh-." He eyes Damon then his eyes come back down to me.

I shake my head in a firm no. I don't want his apologies, it won't be like it didn't happen. He raped me. So apologies are not on the table. Ever. "I think, she has a boyfriend and you need to back the fuck down" Damon growls. I pull myself closer to his side as he grips onto me. Jared eyes me again. "Hanna, please I-." He mumbles. "Fuck off!" Damon snarls.

Jared turns on heel and leaves without a word. "Who the fuck was that, how does he know you?" He asks. My lip trembles and I shake my head not wanting to answer his questions. "Wait is that-." He eyes my facial expression and before I realize what's happening he's no longer standing next to me.

𝘚𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘛𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now