The test

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Bakugou and Kirishima will be the villains and me and Midoriya will be heroes. 

"I apologize for the last minute change. Young Y/n switch places with young Kirishima"All might says.
I don't want to work with Bakugou, he's a jerk and not my vibe definitely. I walk unhappy to bakugou's side, he grunts and I grunt back but I need to get along with him this time so...I roll my eyes and turn to him "Bakugou kun, let's put our differences aside just for this time. I'm a bad loser"

"You wish" he retorts. I think I will have to do this in the hard way. I snap my fingers to invade his mind, I give him clear orders to collaborate with me and as expected, it works. He says "I'm going to keep an eye upstairs supervising the thing and you stay in the corridors of this floor"

Of course that isn't him talking, It's my ideas being spoken by his mouth. if it was really him, he would say the opposite...he just wants to fight with Midoriya and win obviously.

"Start!" My uncle shouts
He runs away to the 5th floor so as Kirishima. Since I'm controlling bakugou, it's going to be difficult to monitor the location of the other two because my limit is only two people at the same time.
I'm following Kirishima using clairvoyance, he's already on the third floor. I use my telepathy to give updates to bakugou.
When he gets to the 5th floor, which was quick, I stop following him and search for Midoriya. My quirk is simple!
I can only control if I have already touched the person or if I have seen him in person. I touched Midoriya when I first met him and I saw Kirishima today during breakfast.
I find Midoriya, he's hiding himself near the elevator. He has the advantage, I can't fight like he does and he knows everything about my quirk except how to break it.
Everything in life has a limit and my quirk is not an exception. Gradually over time, my limit has overcome my expectations. Two years ago I only could control one person for an hour and Today I can control two for an hour and half each. The training schedule that my uncle gave me helped a lot.
I try to get near him from behind, I can only take possession of his mind if he is in my field of view.

Damn...It's been too good that the test is going well, the first problem that appears to me is Bakugou resisting my quirk.

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