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"Sajangnim wants to say thank you and congratulations to the both of you, your dating news is a worldwide trend!" Sung-kyung unnie happily said

Me and Jennie were shook for the news "That's fast" we said in unison and look at each other and laugh

"I know! Some people forgot about the fake news of Jennie and" Oppa did a drum roll before saying "A lot of projects are given to the both of you"

We stop laughing and went shook

"Wow! Just wow!" Jennie said breathlessly

"Here are your upcoming projects" Unnie, my manager gave me and Jennie some copies "That's just updated this morning" She sat beside oppa "But we will wait for both of your confirmation of course" Unnie giggled

I look at Jennie and she look at me and smile "Well I can't say no" She said


It's been a couple of days. Me and Lisa agree to all of the projects given to us. We mostly endorse Adidas and Guess then we mostly have photoshoots for upcoming magazine covers. Busy life right? I've felt like Lisa has been my bestfriend for a very long time and I don't want her to leave my side

"WOAH! This is so cool!" Lisa said as she looks at our CF

"WOAH! This is so cool!" Lisa said as she looks at our CF

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"Ne!" I agree and gave her a gummy smile

Then we start to look at the comments

"OMG! The hottest couple alive!"

"They're look so good together"


"Jennieyah! You hot!"

"Lisa oppa!"

"More please!"

"Lisa oppa" I said while reading the comments and laugh

"YAH!" Lisa look at me and pouted


"LISA OPPA! LISA OPPA! LISA OPPA! LISA OPPA!" I tease her and I expect that she would tease me or tickle me

Lisa just shook her head and said "We look so-"

Lisa just shook her head and said "We look so-"

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"Hot" I whisper but she heard it

"Exactly!" She said and chuckles which made me smile

"Nini! Yeppeo!" Lisa scream which made me jump then she shows our picture

"Nini! Yeppeo!" Lisa scream which made me jump then she shows our picture

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I blush because of her compliment

"Yeppeo! Yeppeo! Yeppeo! Yeppeo!" She started to tease me and I blush harder

"Stop Lalisa!" I glare at her

"AWWWW~ Yeppeo Mandu!" She said and pinch my cheeks

"What did you say?" I glare at her

"M-A-N-D-U" She said loud and clear

"You Manoban!" I tried to grab so I can choke her but she open her arms wide and I accidentally trip because of the chair. Things happen so fast, she catch me and we quickly fell on the floor

"Chill kitten" She said and chuckle

"Aish! You monkey!" I said and pinch her ear

"AWWWW!" She scream which I quickly let go of it

"Serves you right!" I said and stand up to fix myself. Lisa did the same

"Congratulations Ladies!" Sajangnim suddenly barge in which made both of us startle " You're still trending!" He added

"JINJA?!" Me and Lisa said in unison

Sajangnim just chuckle "Yes! And you have many projects to come!" Sajangnim click his tongue "Great job girls" He smiled

"Thank you Sajangnim" Lisa said

He just nod "Alright! You both good?" He ask us, why did he suddenly ask that kind of question?

Me and Lisa just nod but later on was shook because of what he said

"Ok! Let's head down to the presscon" Sajangnim said and left

"WHAT?! A PRESSCON?" Me and Lisa shouted in unison again

"Y-yah Lalisa! I ain't ready" I started sweating

Lisa held my shoulders "Hey hey~ just act normal" She sweetly smile and wipes my sweat. "Just like last time okay?" I accidentally stared at her. Oh gosh her beautiful smile

"I'm here" She rubs my shoulder which I stopped from daydreaming and look at her

"Let's go?"




"Lisa! We know this is an urgent presscon but rumors about Jennie's scandal last time is going up again and that social media users says that Jennie is just using you for popularity. What can you say?" A reporter ask Lili and you heard it right everyone. First 3 days of us dating had been a trend. We had been called by huge brands and magazine companies. After a few days, news has been spreading about my scandal and that I'm using Lisa for popularity and stuff. I'm fcking nervous us fck now!

I look at Lisa as she gets the mic "Well, I know her more than anyone else! Even her parents! She is my bestfriend and partner in crime, eversince trainee days" Lisa smile "So everything that you have heard are fake news! Second she is not using me because since then she loves and cares for me with all her heart" Lisa used her serious tone upon telling the media


Well I just said those things, I never met Jennie on my trainee days because she came to the company when I just newly debuted after being trained for 2 years. Yes, we talked about our trainee days when we see each other at work

I look at Jennie and she is looking down. Gosh this mandu, what is she thinking. F*ck those haters! They can't stop their mouths

"We heard rumors that you're both chosen to be leads in a Kdrama, what is the news? Did you both agree?" Another reporter ask

Jennie gets the mic from me and I adjust it for her. Cute little kitten "As long as I'm with my Lili I would" She said giving her famous gummy smile. Cutie!

"Lisa! When will you have a concert again? Your fans has been waiting for 5 months already" A reporter ask me. Oh! I miss concerts too!

"Well I am not sure about that coz I still have a lot of schedules with my future wifey" I smile.

Great acting Lalisa! I glance at Jennie and I can see her mandu cheeks blushing. Ow cute kitten!

"Jennie! What is the hottest part on Lisa's body?" Someone ask. WTF?! That is a very deep question but she told me back then when we were doing a shoot for Guess that my abs are hot. If you could see her face back then, it was super red!

I look at Jennie when she fake cough "Well her lips are the hottest" then she winks. my lips are hot to huh? Is she having a crush on me? HAHAHAHAHA

"KISS!!!" Me and Jennie quickly look where that voice came from. I guess it was from a fan

"Cut! This is enough!" Me and Jennie were both shocked when oppa just suddenly popped out of nowhere

"Oppa! What are you doing?!" Jennie mumbles

Were doomed....


We're here now in my apartment, we just finish eating dinner...

"Fans are now doubting" I sighed deeply. I know oppa was just trying to help but he shouldn't done that

"Aish Joo-hyuk! Why did you do that?!" Sung-kyung unnie yelled at him

"They are just fake dating! They will just be uncomfortable Sung-kyung!" Oppa replied

"You know we can handle that situation oppa" Jennie went in the convo, She has a point

"Sorry~" Oppa sigh and sat down

"Now look! Sajangnim suspended you" Unnie said as she rolled her eyes

Oppa just sat up "So Jennie, Lisa, you gonna do the drama?" he ask trying to change the topic


CELEBRITY TROUBLE (JENLISA G!P)(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now