Nightmare had never really felt like he did now. Blue made him feel like he was on top of the world. He had never been much of a smiler, but whenever he thought of Blue, he couldn't stop.
He looked down at his phone as it rang. The contact name was My Queen. He'd told Blue it was just Princess, but that was only because he thought Blue would be more comfortable with that. He might change it to King in the future if he felt better with that.
He raised the phone to his ear, ready to hear the cheerful, bubbly voice of his boyfriend. Instead, he heard crying. Blue was crying.
"Babe?" Night was immediately worried. "What's wrong?"
"Y-you love me, r-right?"
"Of course I do, what's going on?"
"It's F-fell, he...he, um..."
"I'm coming over." Night hung up and quickly teleported to Blue's room. He immediately noticed that the room wasn't tidy as it normally was. It looked like a mini tornado had blown in.
Blue was on the bed, the only clean part of the room, with his head in his hands. His wrists were bruised.
Nightmare didn't say a word. He walked over to the bed and sat down, pulling Blue close to him, lifting his chin up. The bone around his left eye was chipped. It hadn't been chipped yesterday.
"Are you okay?"
"Now I am..." Blue buried his face in Night's jacket.
"Why would he hurt you?"
"He said it was the closest to love that I'd ever get."
"I'll handle it."
"Are you going to kill him?"
"Not unless you want me too."
"No...I can't do it, no matter how much I hate him."
They stayed that way for a while until Nightmare said, "Where are Ink and Dream?"
Blue laughed. "Dream dragged Ink out on a date. Again."
"Ink doesn't like formal dating. Dream has to force him to actually go anywhere."
"I'm lucky we both like dating. So, to make things better, why not go on one now?"
Blue smiled. "I'd like that."
They ended up going for a walk. Blue clung to Nightmare's arm the entire time, but he didn't mind.
"If we ever move in together, could we get a dog?" Blue asked as they passed a woman with a small dog on a leash.
"Absolutely not."
"Because I want you all to myself." Nightmare scooped up Blue in his arms and twirled him around. Blue squealed and laughed. "And you would never choose a dumb dog over me, would you?"
"Never." Blue smiled, lacing his arms around Nightmare's neck and pulling himself up for a kiss.
Nightmare kissed back instantly, blocking out the rest of the world so it was just the two of them.
"Cut it out, you freaks!"
Nightmare broke the kiss to turn to the woman who had spoken. She was carrying a child, covering his eyes. "Do you have to be so gay in front of my kid?"
Nightmare huffed and walked off. He knew if he didn't, he'd say some scathing comment and get them all in trouble.
"You forgot to put me down."
"I didn't forget."
"Where are we going?"
"I'm stealing you."
"Yep. Im taking you back to my place, and I'll keep you there."
"Nighty, put me down."
"Never!" Nightmare laughed and started running. Blue screeched and held onto him for dear life.
Eventually, they made it back to Blue's house. By then, Blue was asleep, so Nightmare laid with him on the bed, considering Blue had a death grip on his arm. He looked at Blue, admiring the one thing he'd been missing for a long time.
"You're too good to me."

When in Doubt (Nightmare x Blue)
FanfictionInk forces Blue to work at a resteraunt/bar as an 'undercover' job. But Ink failed to mention that Nightmare, The King of Fear himself, was a frequent patron of the same bar. Things only get stranger from there.