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September 5th 1977

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September 5th 1977

James explained everything to Remus. He explained all the feelings he felt whenever he was near Angelica. How she made him think confused thoughts about her, how she made him feel this weird feeling in his stomach, how her laugh made his heart beat faster and faster. Remus listened carefully to what his Friend was telling him.

"James, I think I know what's wrong." Remus said, cutting James off. James looked over at Remus.

"Then what is it?" James asked, you could hear how hopeless he sounded by the tone of his voice.

"James, I think you're in love." Remus told him. He watched as James' jaw dropped and his eyes widened. His face became bright red at the thought of Remus' words.

"W-what? No! I can't be. I love Evans. Don't I?" James said in disbelief.

"From what I've heard you say, it sounds like it. You love her, not Evans. I'm 99% sure that your brain has just been telling you that you're in love with Lily, when in reality you just love the idea of being with her." Remus explained to James.

"Yeah... yeah I guess you're right." James mumbled. He thought about it for a moment. He thought about how Remus was right, how he only liked the idea of Lily because she was the first girl he thought of. He looked back and tried to remember if Lily had ever made him feel that Angelica does, but she never did. "Oh Merlin, you're right Moony." James said, running a hand through his hair. Remus smirked.

"I always am." He laughed.

"What do I do?" James asked, "Padfoot can never know, well at least not right now." He added, remembering when James 'liked' Lily Evans and how often Sirius would tease him about it.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Sirius." Remus told one of his best friends, "Maybe you should try and not scare her away. Don't be like the Slytherin guy that liked her, don't be creepy in other words. Find out somethings that she likes, like her favourite book or favourite candy. Not be over the top like you were with Evans, because I know for a fact that she doesn't like that. Just be yourself, don't be some fake person that you think that she'll like." Remus explained as James took notes in his head.

"You're a lifesaver Moony." James said, sending his friend a smile. Remus returned the smile.

"Don't worry about it, Prongs."


Angelica had her head in a book as she sat outside in one of the many school courtyards. She sat under a tree, the wind blowing softly. People's voices were heard as they walked past and birds were heard as they sang from the trees above. The pumpkin plant that Professor Sprout had given her class to look after with their partners, sat sleeping next to her.

"Oh thank god you have it." She heard a male voice sigh in relief, a voice that she knew belonged to none other than Head Boy, James Potter. She smiled booking up from her book.

"You thought you lost him didn't you?" She laughed as James sat down next to her. He nodded.

"And thank Merlin I didn't. Professor Sprout would've killed me if I did."

"I wouldn't say that she would kill you, just probably give you detention for a while." Angelica told him, making him smile.

"Why are you all by yourself?" James asked.

"Alice is hanging out with Frank, so I thought I'd come out here and have some alone time." She told him. "I'm guessing you're not with your friends because you were looking for him?" she added, pointing to the sleeping plant. James nodded, laughing a little.

"What are you reading?" James asked, looking at the book that she held in her smaller hands. Angelica smiled, saving her page quickly before showing him the front cover.

"The 'Magic Faraway tree', it's a muggle book that my dad gave me when I was 10." Angelica told him, "It's my favourite, you can borrow it if you'd like." She added. James smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm not much of a reader." he told her.

"That's alright, I can read it to you instead. I think you'll really like it." James thought about it for a moment. His eyes went for the book in her hand to her light, baby blue eyes.

"You know what... why not." James said, making Angelica smile as she opened the book to the first chapter and started reading to her. As the two read they did not know that Alice and Remus stood watching them. Remus turned to Alice before whispering,

"It's only a matter of time."

(A/n - Look at me! Two chapters in one day!🥳🥳)

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