Chapter 12

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I've been packing up my dorm as fast as I possibly can. They gave me a week to prepare to move schools and it's not nearly enough time. I don't even know what I need for my rooms at Erichton's, so I don't know what pieces to take. I also don't even know where the school is, so I can't even properly pack my clothes for the climate there. My mom is driving up here... again. This time for my dorm stuff that I'm not taking with me. Although, maybe James can tell me what I'll need to take there. I know that I can teleport and everything, but am I allowed to take my car? I've been practicing as much as I can, but there isn't much space for me to secretly practice these powers that I can barely control. I mostly just practice teleporting into the bathroom, so I don't have to walk in to pee in the middle of the night. It's next level laziness, but I am really getting good at it.

As far as the telekinesis goes, I haven't really been able to use it since I caught Joey. I don't know how it works, maybe I felt the need to help and was able to access it for that purpose. It was of course impossible to replicate that feeling unless I or someone else was in danger. I mean I could.. but I won't. Unless... no. The idea that I would put someone in danger just so I could use telekinesis to save them is really self-centered and not hero-like at all. Having these powers gives me potential to be a superhero and I'm not going to let my inability to use one of them- I guess, overall two- prevent me from finding out who I am in this new life I'm living.

I still have to tell Mac that I'm leaving and he's going to have to suffer through his shifts without me and train my replacement. He is going to be so fucking mad at me for transferring to a new school and leaving him behind. I'm going to miss him, he's the coolest boss I've ever had.


This dorm is fucking huge. Holy shit, It's basically a fucking apartment. It's two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. But my bedroom is pretty fucking big, and I have it all to myself. Don't get me wrong, I loved my roommate at school before, but the privacy and isolation of my own room is amazing. There's a rolling chair at the desk, and a closet that actually has enough space for all my shit. I think I'm going to like living in here, especially if Joey is going to be my roomie. She's such a fucking cool person. I can't fucking stop cursing, but only because I'm so excited, and being here, in this room just makes it so much fucking cooler. My bed is fucking full sized! I'm just so fucking excited, and its all starting to feel real and I want to celebrate it before the anxiety about this weird fucking place hits full fucking force.

Joey was going to teleport here with me, but she wasn't done packing and when I got to her house, her stuff was everywhere and I have no idea how. It was all over her house- her parent's house really- was covered head to toe with clothes, books, and knick-knacks. I have no idea how she had so much shit, but we decided she would come on her own, with all of her belongings. I want to be able to explore this place before orientation begins.

I walk out of my dorm with my phone in my pocket and my keys in my hand. When I signed into my rooms and signed out my keys, I was informed that they do not hand out maps of the campus here. The idea is that we should find a way to use our powers to navigate around campus, or at the very least prevent us from being late for class. So, I'm going to walk around and try to build a mental map of sorts because I don't understand two out of my three powers and even with teleportation, I'd have to jump all around campus to find out where I need to go.

A/N: It's been months! I'm so sorry, I've had a bit of writer's block, but I was inspired by something someone told me yesterday and decided to push myself to write through the writer's block. It's not super long, but I hope you guys like it! Comment what you think! And thank you so much for reading!

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