Third person POVTap Tap Tap
Marinette was at her desk, with her head resting on it. She was asleep.
Tap Tap Tap
Marinette was still fast asleep.
"HUH?!" Marinette was fully awake. She lunged up and saw her homework.
"Great. I haven't gotten this done and it's due tomorrow."
Marinette turned her head to her window, to see the superhero, Chat Noir.
"Chat?!" Marinette whispered loudly. "What are you doing here?! Its the middle of the night!"
Chat Noir awkwardly came inside.
"I couldn't sleep."
"Well you could've tried to go back to sleep."
"Nah. I wanted to see you."
"Well I was-"
"When I came, you were asleep. And you had homework to finish."
"Okay fine... It might be good that you woke me up."
There was a pause of silence.
"I'm hungry." Chat Noir said randomly.
"Well what do you want to eat?" Marinette replied.
"Alright. I'll get you some. Just, don't do anything stupid in my room. Got it?"
Chat Noir nodded, and Marinette went out of her room.
Chat POV
"Her room is really different from mine..."
I saw a picture of me from the corner of my eye and I looked over.
"She has pictures of me? Well that's a surprise. Not like I've never seen these before. Wait... What if she was lying?"
"I'm really into fashion and..."
"Are you lying?"
I leaned over getting really close to her.
"What? No!"
"Haha. I was just teasing."End of Flashback
"Was she lying? Does she have these only for fashion?"
Marinette POV
"Ugh, I finally found these cookies. I hope Chat isn't doing anything stupid..."
I walk up to my room and see Chat looking at the floor.
"Was something up?"
"Hey..." I said, frowning. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Chat said. He looked sad.
"Hey, aren't we friends? Tell me."
"Well it has to do with my civilian form-"
"OKOK." I said, rushing. "You can tell me anything but your civilian life."
Chat Noir looked at the photos of Adrien. I panicked.
"I- er- um- let's go do something else! Haha!" I said.
Chat POV
"She might be lying... Why was she in panic?"
"I'm just gonna say this" I said to her, and she looked at me.
"Its nothing about your identity?"
"Of course not!"
"Alright, tell me."
"Well, I think I've given up on ladybug? She doesn't seem to like me"
There was an very awkward pause. Then she said something.
"I'm... Kinda giving up on Adrien too."
Marinette POV
"SHOOT! DID I JUST SAY THAT?! This is so embarrassing..."
Chat POV
"What?! Adrien??"
I look up and see Marinette fiddling with her hair as she was blushing, almost her whole face was red.
I started staring. I felt my face get warmer, and I felt that whole my face was going red.
Marinette POV
"Is Chat... Red?!"
"CHAT!" I yelled.
"W-what?" He looked startled. "Oh. Haha, I just zoned out for a bit. Sorry Purr-inces"
I froze. I was like a statue.
"Did he just call me-"
Chat POV
"Did I just say- NOOOO! WHY DID I SAY THAT?!"
I went red in the face.
"I- I- uhh... I have to go now! Haha-" at least I managed to get some words out.
"O-okay..." Marinette said. "See ya!"
I walked over to her window and went out.
"Do I really like her?"

Changes | A Miraculous Ladybug Story
FanfictionMarinette giving up on Adrien, and Chat Noir giving up on Ladybug, they decide to go find someone new. Chat and Mari find someone they can't stop thinking about... This is just my imagination. I don't know what is Canon or not in Season 4. Please d...