Go into Toon town

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Back with Eddie and the others...

Eddie, Crystal and Roger are outside of RK Maroon studios*

Crystal- Welp, we made it.

Roger: Do I have to stay here?

Crystal- If it keeps you safe, yes

Eddie: Me and Crystal are going to talk to RK Maroon.

Crystal- Let's go.

Eddie and Crystal went upstairs*

Roger was then bonked on the head*

Then, Eddie and Crystal see and walk up to him.

Crystal- What's up, Doc?

Rk: Dangit you two are you trying to give me a heart attack?!

Eddie- You need to have a heart before you can attack

RK: Right, do you have the will?

Eddie- Sure. I got the will. ( Walks over to a cabinet ) First do tou have the way ?

RK: What are you implying?

Roger was thrown in the trunk*

The culprit reveals to be Jessica who looks up at the window.

Eddie gets a drink for himself

RK took out the gun: The will, give it to me.

Eddie- I told you , I got it

RK took the paper and opens it: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways? Is this some kind of joke?!

Eddie then grabs his hand and throws him down before aiming a gun at the old man.

Crystal- Whoa , Eddie !

Eddie: You're going to tell us what you're hiding!

RK: I'm a business man!

Crystal- Everybody's gotta have a bad hobby, Maroon.

Eddie put his tie in the movie reeler machine*

Eddie: Now speak!

Crystal- We really don't wanna do this, Mr. Maroon.

RK: The truth is I had a chance to sign my studio, but cloverleaf wouldn't buy my property unless Acme sold them his! But he wouldn't sell, so I was going to blackmail him with pictures of him and the rabbit's wife!

Crystal- So , that's why?!

Eddie sees the reflection of the gun*

Crystal- Eddie, look out!

They duck and the gun shot RK Maroon*

Crystal- Oh no!

The person holding the gun left*

Eddie looked and sees Jessica outside*

Crystal runs over and sees her as well.

Crystal- It's Jessica!

Jessica got in the car and drives off*

Eddie: Roger!

Crystal- Let's get her!

They got in the car and follows her*

Then a car chase ensues

Eddie stops when Jessica's car went into Toon town*

Crystal- Welp, here we go.

Eddie: Wait, my Toon gun. *as he took out a box out*

Cowboy bullet: Hey it's Eddie, where have you been?

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