Chapter eleven: locked in

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Amai was just spaced out at his desk, and the others were doing what they do usually, most of the class except shoto, tsu, aizawa, mineta, izuku, and amai went outside to do whatever they wanted/needed. It was a Friday afternoon and Midnight was packing up, and she accidentally activated her quirk putting the group in a deep sleep.

"Oops, I did it again" midnight said defeatly, she checked the clock for the time and its already half past 3 "shoot, I gotta go sorry lovelies" she rushed out the classroom headed off to somewhere…. A few hours later, our little group woke up 

"Why are we still here ribbit?" Tsu asked

"I dunno, I feel funny though" amai said 

"It was probably midnight" shoto said tiredly

"Ugh, lets just go already" aizawa got up and tried to open the door, but unfortunately midnight locked it "shit"

"Um, whats that supposed to mean?" Izuku asked nervously 

"We're locked in here" aizawa said bluntly 

"Uh oh ribbit" tsu said nervously, mineta tried to make a move on tsu but she knocks him out before he can do anything 

"Well, I think we'll get outta here by Monday, what day is it today?" Izuku said 

"Its a Friday evening" shoto said

"Were going to die" Izuku nervously mumbles

"Relax, deku, it'll be fine" tsu said reassuringly 

"O-ok" deku says more confidently

"I feel a little better" amai says

"Ok, then midnights Quirk has worn off completely" shoto said 

"Ok, thats nice" amai said softly, he then huddled up in his blanket at his desk. A few hours later and its Saturday morning and our little group is doing fairly well, they have enough food to last till Monday and yeah.. 

"I'm bored" amai whined

"Same" shoto and izuku said in unison, aizawa was in his sleeping bag as always, and mineta is being mineta and tsu is being tsu,  seconds fade into minutes, minutes fade into hours, and hours fade into night and day, and its a peaceful Sunday night, everyone decided to huddle up next to one another, they slowly drift off to sleep, aizawa staying up to watch over the students that he loves so much(except for mineta), the morning arrives and the rest of the class comes in for the usual reason at the usual time, they immediately find shoto, amai, izuku, tsu  mineta and aizawa asleep against a wall, a blissful smile adorned their faces.

"Shhh,  we should probably come back later" jiro whispered

"Yeah" momo responded, they left the classroom, leaving our little group in their sweet, blissful trance, to later awake ready for whatever is ahead….

To be continued…….

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