Chpater 43

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" Are we kidnapping someone" I guessed again 

Blessing shook her head.

" Are we at least going to the aquarium" Sadie asked and Blessing shrugged looking at Derek

Mark opened his legs even more slouching into his seat " Can we eat food there" Mark asked and I rolled my eyes

We were all guessing where we were going because Derek had told us there were many stops to make. I wandered if it was going to cost a lot because honestly I didn't even know if he had the money for all this.

" Get you sweaters on were almost there" Derek instructed and i started screaming in excitement.

We stopped at a huge Hershey's factory and I clapped my hands" Were at a chocolate factory!" I screamed and pulled my sweater on.

We got out and went to the doors. Derek paid and we all went inside. The whole place was very beautiful. There was chocolate everywhere.

There were many other people with kids around and some women with babies in their arms. Derek put his arm around my neck as we walked further into the place and talked a little.

Sadie made us all stop when she saw people in a room making all kinds of things made of chocolate. She claimed if we didn't do it we'd go to hell so this is how we ended up waiting in line for our turn to make what we wanted.

" This will be worth it guys. Come on get in the spirit" She danced while we waited.

" Its been 20 minutes we should go see the rest of the place" Mark said as his eyes wandered to all the different places.

Each one made something different and I did want to go to the rest  of these places to see what they were making. Derek gave up in the line 10 minutes in so I was stuck with them.

" Come on do this for me" She said for the fifth time and Mark was all in. Again.

"Next three" The man said and I sighed finally, I was just getting ready to leave. We showed them our wristbands and the man let us through. A women dressed us in clean suits and cloves along with hair caps.

We could make anything we chose to out of the choices on the screen in front of us. I chose the house and some machine brought out the things I needed to make it.

After many tries and fails I got it right and had successfully made a house out of many different types of chocolate. The roof was made of white chocolate and the rest made in plain milk chocolate. except for the extras with was like the platform, I made that out of almond chocolate.

They wrapped it for us and we all headed out with our fresh made chocolate. Sadie had a huge kiss and Mark had a pair of boobs. I had no idea how they let that slide and how he made it but I didn't question any further.

" Guys lets take a picture" I jumped and pulled out my phone.

We all posses for the camera. Sadie was kissing the tip of her 'kiss' with closed eyes. I was licking the roof of my house while holding the phone in the other. Mark was sucking on the nipple of his boobs and I took the picture getting all of us in it.

I laughed and sent it to Colton wanting him to know I was having the time of my life right this moment and he wasn't here. I was hoping it would make him jealous.

Derek and Blessing walked up moments late with bags of what ever they got " Hey guys this is Sadie" Mark smirk kissing the boobs and she gasped smacking his arm

A women with her son walked by and the covered his eyes blushing. I started laughing when she passed and the little boy tried to get another look at the chocolate sculpture.


Derek grabbed Blessing's " These are Blessings" He said and I widened my eyes while she smacked him away but she was smiling

I watched them as they yelled at each other and the guys laughed. We'd been here for almost an hour and I started to wander where we would go next since Derek had said many places. We walked back to the car and were on the highway in no time now on our way to the next destination.

I finished my drink and now collected the trash in a bag.

" I can't finish " Sadie moaned and the tip of her big kiss was gone while she had another hand on her stomach.

" I'll finish for you babe" Mark said reaching for her kiss 

She snatched it back and glared at him " I will circumcise you " She threaten and he retreated his hands

I laughed and laid my house gently on the floor thankful it was wrapped because I was starting to worry it would melt of my lap. I pulled my phone out and saw three new messages and I smiled hoping its from Colton's cousin

' Delete them all ' was the first one and I was laughing so hard I started crying. Every time I looked at it i would just laugh harder I forced myself to keep reading the rest.

' Faye I swear if you don't delete those '

'I'm ignoring you for the rest of this trip'

I quickly replied ' I was in the chocolate factory. Your cute in all of them no way'

I was afraid when he wouldn't text back because it had been five minutes and still no reply. I pouted when another minute passed. My phone buzzed and I jumped. I didn't turn it on because I wanted to calm down before I did

' I don't like pictures delete them'

'I like your pictures though'

He didn't text me back after that and I was dying in my seat for him to talk back to me. Yes I had talked to him earlier but that wasn't enough. I needed more. He was my oxygen tank and I was running on empty.

' I have to go, bye ' was the last text I received


The building was huge. A one story building with dark windows you couldn't see through was standing in front of me. We were about to go inside but I was scared to actually enter the building yet excited.

" Your such a wimp. Trust me you'll love it" Derek rolled his eyes

" That's what she said" Mark mumbled but we could all hear him

Sadie was trying to look through the windows and Blessing was at the door waiting for us. I could tell she was getting impatient with me so I gave in and walked to the door. She smiled and opened the door. There was a big room with no lights but one at a desk where a women stood.

" Five please" Derek smiled at the lady and she told him the total

I looked around the dark room and saw nothing but black and a door behind the lady

" Right through those doors. Enjoy" She smiled 

I walked to the door and stood there holding the handle

" Alright guys this was last minute so better have the time of your fucking lives" Derek mumbled and I opened the doors

Right in front of me a huge whale swam across the glass along with other fish following behind. I gasped and ran across the huge hallway filled with other people to the glass. i looked up at the huge whale. All around me was blue water inside glass that made a tunnel all around us. 

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