Since I have a deep feeling that Michael loves thick girls, the insecurity isn't going to be about weight aND WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU FEEL INSECURE ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER HOW FUCKING CHUBBY OR THIN YOU ARE OK
You, Michael, and the boys were curled up in the living room, watching The Hunger Games.
For some reason, Michael insisted on watching it every time you five had a movie night.
Each time, you shrugged it off, thinking he had just developed a new found obsession with the storyline.
But tonight, you confronted him about it.
"Okay, whats your obsession with The Hunger Games?" You demanded, pausing the movie just as it was about to start.
Calum chuckled at Michael and you, which earned him a finger from Michael.
He looked up at you quickly before blurting out his answer.
"Jennifer Lawrence." He blushed.
You laughed along with the other three boys, finding the situation quite adorable.
"Aw! You've got a little celebrity crush!" You cooed, pinching his red cheeks.
"It's not only that! She's gorgeous!"
You had to agree.
"I mean have you seen that rack? I mean, she's at least a C cup. You'd have to have to be extremely perfect if you want a good relationship and your under a C." He swooned.
Ashton quickly shot you a cautioned look.
Your heart stopped.
You knew you had a small chest, and Michael and the boys knew how insecure you got with your B cups, so why did he say that?
You laughed it off, knowing it was most likely a slip-up and would never happen again.
But that wasn't the case.
All throughout the movie, Michael was commenting on all the things that he found attractive on her, which also happened to be the things you didn't have.
It was near the end of the movie where you really got fed up.
"Maybe you should aim for a chest size like that." He said, nudging you.
The breath was knocked from your lungs as you registered what he was saying.
You looked over at him to find his eyes still glued to the screen.
You heard Ashton cuss under his breath, Michael not taking notice.
You struggled to keep your face passive as you spoke.
"I'm gonna go make some more popcorn," You announced.
"Thank you, Y/N." Luke smiled sympathetically at you as you left the room, proud of yourself for keeping your voice from cracking.
You put the popcorn into the microwave, biting your lip as you felt tears prick at your eyes.
Fuck you, you weren't gonna cry now. Not now. Not n- fuck.
Tears were spilling down your cheeks as you silently cried.
You scrubbed your cheeks furiously and turned around to grab the empty popcorn bowl, only to see Calum.
"Hey, Cal. I didn't hear you come in." You said nonchalantly, quickly turning back around.
He said nothing as you shoved the popcorn bag into the microwave, rather aggressively.
You could hear him sigh as you choked back another sob.
His arms circled around you, squeezing you tightly.
"He's being an idiot," He murmured in your ear. "You're absolutely beautiful."
You scrubbed your eyes, returning the hug.
Calum was your best friend. He was there when everyone else wasn't, including Michael.
"Thanks, Cal."
"No problem, lo-" Calum was rudely interrupted.
Calum released me gently, messing up your hair with an impish grin before grabbing the popcorn in the microwave and leaving.
"Hey, Mike." He said as he walked out, leaving you alone with the colourful boy.
"Well, let's get back to the movie, yeah?" You said, walking quickly to the door.
Unfortunately, you weren't quick enough.
He caught your waist, spinning you into his arms.
"Why were you and Calum hugging?" He asked, slightly hurt.
"He was telling me I was beautiful." You said, barely audible.
Confused, Michael motioned you to repeat.
"He was telling me I was beautiful because he noticed I was feeling insecure."
Michael brought a hand to your face, holding it gently.
"Why would you be feeling insecure?" He asked, lip quivering slightly.
You took a deep breath.
"Jennifer Lawrence is really pretty, y'know." You mumbled, embarrassed.
He was silent for a moment.
You suddenly felt his lips trace your jaw, and you gasped as you felt them going down your neck.
"I find," He nipped at your skin. "Every inch of you absolutely perfect." He murmured against your skin, lips moving to your chest.
"Never believe otherwise." He whispered.
You pulled up his face and kissed him roughly, making him giggle against your mouth.
You hopped onto the table, hooking your legs around his waist.
His hands held your waist lightly, your fingers sliding through his hair.
"Hey guys, you coming- OH MY VIRGIN EYES."
A sudden shriek forced the two of you to break apart, turning around to see Luke in the arms of a smirking Ashton and a giggling Calum.
"They'll be coming, alright." Calum laughed.
"Stay safe, kids." Asthon chuckled and led Luke out of there, Calum exiting after them with a wink.
You looked at Michael before pealing with laughter.
Michael threw you a hasty wink and pecked your lips again, carrying you upstairs to continue what you started.
dedicated to 5sauceluver bc comments

m.g.c imagines
Fanfictionjust a shitload of michael clifford imagines for my family :---))