Ellie's POV
It was the middle of the night and I was all alone on the deserted streets of Valva rejected by my family after the death of my parents ,which was being blamed on me . I swore to my self to seek revenge on whoever caused their accident and led me to live this life of loneliness . I passed a few houses across the street till I got to an abandoned house . It was dark and very cold since it was getting close to winter . I found a mat in the conner of the room and I laid it down on the bare floor and slept on it . I twisted and turned for hours but I could not sleep . It was almost morning and here was I having the worst night ever , rejected by my family and my best friends had no knowledge of my whereabouts . To be honest Jace and Rita were all I had now . We had been friends from childhood and there were with me through thick and thin . We had gone through a lot but they stood by my side . Growing up knowing that everyone hates you because you turned out to be a girl is very tough . My friends and my parents were the only ones who love me it was very hard for me I will always pray to never lose them and now here I am facing my worse fear .
It's now 7:00 in the morning and I had had no sleep at all . I stood from the mat on which I lay, and went out to look for something to eat lucky for me my phone was halfway charged so I dialed Jace's number, it rang for the third time till he picked up the call I could here the concern in his voice as he spoke . I told him all that had happened and he said he was home alone and that I could come over. I had just gotten to Jace's house I knocked on his door and he came to open me . After eating and taking a shower we sat in the living room to call Rita . Within thirty minutes she was here she was soo glad to see me . We spoke for a while then we went to check on some apartments for me to stay in till everything was settled. We found a one that we could afford then we rented it . Jace insisted on paying so we let him. I had a crush on Jace which only Rita knew about , I had planned on not telling anyone but she figured it out, she is really smart . "Ellie see you tomorrow mom just called me ", said Rita. "Alright , good night " I told her before she closed the door behind her . Jace offered to stay for a while . I had some money on me so I asked him if he wanted to go with me for shopping . When we got to Macy's I bought some crop tops, red cardigans and some jeans I also got a high knee blue flare dress . "Let's grab something to eat at McDonald's " Jace said . "What are we going to get " I asked Jace . "What do you wanna eat " He asked me . "How about we get some french fries and Coka Cola " I told him.
After buying dinner Jace helped me pack my stuff into the room we set the food on the table in the living room . Then he connected his pen drive to the Television set in the conner most part of the living room so we could watch some movies before we go to sleep. "Are you full" Jace asked me after having our dinner, "Yeah ,how about you " I asked him.
"I am also full " he said . We decided to watch one more romantic movie before he leaves. During the movie I felt Jace's eyes on me I turned to look and I was locked in his charming sea blue eyes ,our romantic moment was ruined by a call I had from Rita . I promised to call her back right after seeing Jace to the door. "So I will see you tomorrow , good night " Jace said , "Good night " I told him .
Right after Jace left I called Rita , "So did you tell him you have a crush on him " Rita wanted me to inform Jace about the crush I have on him before it was too late. "No I didn't " I answered her . "We watched a couple of romantic movies together but I could not bring myself to telling him that I liked him" I added . "So when are you going to tell him, because I heard from rumors that he is now in a relationship with Celia and if you are not lucky it might be true " She told me. "Celia?, It cannot be, if he had any crush on her we would have been the first people to hear about it. Anyways I have to find the killers of my parents first." I told her. Rita and I talked for hours on the phone till she had to hang up because her little brother could not sleep. I went to take a shower and I got into my comfy pyjamas I just bought some hours ago. I plugged my phone to the socket and I jumped into bed and started thinking about my parents and the day they died which was just yesterday. I was never going to allow the person who caused their accident go away free. I had to sleep for I had school tomorrow .Hello guys , what do you think about the first chapter of the story . I know it's very short but it is midnight and I had to stop there.
And do you think Ellie has any chance of finding the one responsible for her parents death.
Follow me on Instagram @oficial.ama_ for more updates .

Teen FictionJust after the death of Ellie's parents , Ellie finds happiness with the love of her life . She then finds out who was behind the death of her parents she seeks revenge.