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I needed a plan.

Convincing Make Them Scream that my wolf was not a danger wasn't going to work. Alex was their leader, and there was no way any of them would take my word over his. He could literally read all their minds, so even if they did believe me, he'd probably find out and put a stop to it.

The only one I might have a chance with was Veronica since she wasn't technically part of the pack, but the odds of the two of us against the rest of them were bleak. Not to mention she was absolutely loyal to Reggie, so if he wasn't on my side, she wouldn't be either.

Alex was convinced that my wolf was going to attempt to take over me tonight and steal my body . . . but if I could stall long enough to keep us from reaching the clearing in Montana before sunrise tomorrow morning, then they would realize I was right. Halloween's blue moon would pass, and I would still be here.

That was all I had to do.

Easier said than done.

The engine roared and the bus vibrated and buzzed as we careened down the road. I scooted back onto the bunk, lying down with my face to the window. I pulled the blackout curtain back with my teeth. The bright light of day streamed in, blinding me for a second. I didn't know what time it was, only that it was well into the morning now. I must have been sedated all night.

Outside, tall pines and barren deciduous trees rushed past. A single car whizzed down the highway, uncomfortably close to our bus. The lanes were so narrow. We must have been on some backroad or old highway that wasn't used much anymore.

I gritted my teeth. Short of breaking out of these ropes, storming the front of the bus, grabbing the wheel and driving us off into a ditch, there wasn't much I could do to slow us down while the bus was still moving.

But, we couldn't keep driving forever. Eventually, we'd have to stop for gas.

I fidgeted with my hands, trying to get them loose from the ropes. If I could get myself free, I could wait until we pulled over. Then, I could make a run for it. I would catch everyone in the main room by surprise and get past them. I wouldn't have to escape from them for good, just delay us long enough that we didn't make it to the clearing tonight.

The chances of it working were slim, but it was my best option. I was willing to try anything.

If I could just get my wrists out of these ropes!

My numb hand was finally regaining feeling. I flexed my fingers as a tingle of pins and needles rushed through my palm and the pads of my fingertips, like I'd laid on it too long and it was just regaining blood circulation.

I rubbed my hands together, twisting them around in every way I could imagine, but it was no good. The ropes were too tight, and Liz had tied the knot too far up my wrists for me to get to it.

My tongue ran over my teeth.

That could work.

I scooted to the edge of the bunk. The bus went over a bump, and I simultaneously leapt, pushing myself to my feet. After lowering myself to the ground so I was sitting on my ass, I stretched my arms and curled my legs back into a ball.

I gritted my teeth against the pain of nearly dislocating my shoulder as I bent my wrists under my ass and around my feet.

A huge gasp of relief escaped my lungs when I finally got my hands in front of myself.

I brought my wrists up to my teeth, picking at the knot to loosen it.

"Come on," I muttered under my breath.

Finally, with a jolt, the knot released, and the rope slacked around my wrists. I shimmied them against each other until I pulled them free. I threw my hands up in the air, having to stop myself from shouting in victory.

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