Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Wrecking Dreams

Killa's P. O. V.

I get it, I fucked up, but come on, I have to keep my reputation up or else I would be just like these other gang leaders who fell in love and got their lover killed. I don't want that, I don't want to be painted as weak, because I'm not weak. If Imogen can't accept that mentality then she doesn't deserve me and she can go find somebody else, plain and simple. To top it all off, I don't want her getting hurt because of my stupid self. One thing though, she is great in bed. I just don't want my boys mad at me though, because if they're mad, anything we do will be affected and it could cause one of our lives. I got up off the sofa turning the television off with it. I heard a scream and rushed to the room only to see Imogen there with sweat and hot tears running down her face. What is wrong with this chick and always crying? I walked over to her bed sitting on it which in return she moved over to the window. Why is she trying to avoid me when I'm trying to help her?

"What was it?"
"Do your friends hate me?"
"Ik Taze don't really like you, but the others I wouldn't think they do,"
"Do you think I'm a snitch?"
"No, if you were I would've already killed you because you would be a threat to me and my gang,"
She sniffed then turned to look at me,
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what Gen?"
"Why'd you fuck someone else right infront of me then acted oblivious to it?"
"I have a reputation to protect Gen, and I also have you to protect, I can't have you in harm's way,"
"I am in harm's way if you keep breaking my heart every fucking minute you jack ass," she hit me on my chest and was about to do it again but I held her hand and pulled her to my chest. She looked so broken and it made me feel like shit but I just couldn't let her see that.

"Get yourself together Gen,"
She looked up at me like I was crazy and I guess I was for saying that, but she has to get stronger than that, I don't want no weak wife. So if she wanna reach that far with me she better toughen up and quickly.

She looked at me then shook her head as she pulled her hands away from me holding her head. She wiped her face then got up off the bed walking to the bathroom in silence. I keep breaking her and I don't want that. I want her to be happy and she can't be happy with me. I got up and went to the side of my room taking my phone off the bed and walking to the living room. Dialing the number I remember by heart , I waited for the line to break.

"Kurtis what the hell do you want? It's two in the morning,"

"I fucked up so bad momma," I said as I finally broke. This was the first time I actually felt the way I did for someone, and she's just making me feel so weak.

"What happened baby? And if you swear at me again I'll punch your fucking lights out,"

"I'm sorry," I said as I gave a light chuckle, "Ma, I broke her, that girl I was telling you about, I broke her bad ma," my hands made a fist as I hit my foot, "I had sex with another girl right infront of her and made it seem like she was crazy, I-I Rage was mad at me, my main man don't be mad at me ma, he hasn't spoken to me all day ever since,"

"You're acting just like your father did with me and that makes you an ass. (Killa's mom is a Kittitian by the way so here goes the dialect). Wa de fuck is you problem child? I raise you betta dan dat. How many times a have to tell you, use you blasted common sense,"

"Ma I hear you but you know about my reputation,"

"Boy wa fuck reputation you telling me bout? Your farda had one to and see where it got him," she sighed, "Kurtis, Kurtis, Kurtis, how many times me call you name boy?"

"Three times ma,"
"You live by the sword, you die by the sword, know dat," she sighed again, "I sent you to college to get better than this, I know he left the gang to you, but you have to get better Kurtis, this gang can't be your whole life. You have to make a life for you own self else you will keep hurting others around you. Your cousin Sammi is willing to take over so just give it to him,"


"Mom you're talking like dad's dead,"

"Well he may as well be, anyway I'm going back to sleep, think about what I said, and stop hurting that young lady, she could be your karma,"

Then the phone went dead.

"Even to your mom you're an asshole,"

I turned around to stare at Imogen in her robe, I knew that only a bra and panty was under it because that's how she always slept, even before we got close. I could just imagine her caramel sexy self under it.

"Like what you see?"

"Na baby, I love,"

"Im not your baby, I'm Imogen to you until you get your shit right,"

She walked to the kitchen and my legs moved before my head did and I was behind her in seconds. She went to the cupboard to get a glass as she filled it with water. She drank some then turned around only to be trapped between me and the counter top.

"You my girl, no matter what," I heard her little whimper and I smirked, 'Got Ya'.

I dipped my head down into her neck as I sucked on it, while she held my face in her hands twisting her neck more so that she I could taste her more. I left kisses on her neck as I heard a moan escape her lips. My hands found their way behind the robe gripping her ass as she gasped. My hands travelled to her waist as I started kissing her lips slowly. My hands reached to the top of her body then I realized there was no bra. Just my luck tonight. My hands found their way to the string of the robe pulling it as it opened like a curtain, as a beauty looked back at me. I griped her waist, sitting her on the counter as I cupped her breasts with my hands then started sucking on one of them. I heard her beautiful moans as she gripped my hair, tugging at it. My other hand found its way to her privates as I slowly rubbed on her vagina that was also without underwear, as I said lucky man. I started rubbing faster and felt her grinding on my finger. Slowly I slipped a finger in as she gasped for air. I stopped sucking her breast as I focused more on pleasuring her with my fingers. Slipping in another, I rammed my fingers in and out of her she was wet as fuck and I loved it. Lifting her up with one hand I threw her over my shoulder as I used to my other hand to pound inside her vagina,"Yo-You're fucking insane," I chuckled as I kicked the bedroom door open guiding us to her bed, I didn't want to fuck her on the bed I fucked another girl in, just disrespectful. Seating her on the edge of the bed, I spread her legs as she pulled down my sweatpant. Ion wear boxers to sleep so she was blessed with a standing ovation. She held on to it and as she was about to lick it, I held her face in mine and kissed her. Non of that tonight. Resting her legs on my shoulder I slipped in her vagina but it was tough because she's a lil too tight. When I finally got in, my thrusts were slow and harmless, then it started picking up when she instructed me to. Gotta follow orders right. I'm sure her moans could be heard outside the dorm door but I didn't care. This my damn girl. Her hands found their way to my back when I layed her down and hovered over her as I inserted myself into her disk. I felt her nails dog into my skin but I didn't care, mark me baby. My thrusts were now fast and strong as I held her legs apart.

"Ahh! Yes baby," her moan was so fucking precious.

I didn't even realize I came as I continued thrusting inside of her. Her pussy felt so fucking good man. I couldn't control my self.

I heard her let out a scream as she pushed on my chest so I knew she reached her orgasm but I had to get more. I bent her over and slipped back in as I let her grind on me. Her movements were like a magnet as she slid herself in and out of me. My hands pressed on her back gently as she gave me a perfect arch. Gripping her waist I stroked in and out of her as I heard her screams all through the room.

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