hello gorgeous

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okay guys so I just made up my mind and decided to not talk about when I wake up to go back to my CR, I want to write this as if is a story, Unless you would like me to start writing the days I shift or wake up and all....

Its the next morning, the day after I had the crazy talk with Draco. I was kind of....mad at him, which is weird to say because literally all I say on tiktok is, I hate toxic relationships but I would let Draco be mine. But it's funny because i literally don't care who you are, you toxic you ain't for me. I know I know, Draco is literally so hot, even when he's mad teehee, but I don't know, I think I am just too careful I guess.

I heard a Knock and the door, Of course it was Hermione. "hey hope you slept well, just wanted to wake you up and let you know we are all meeting in the common room to walk together to the Great hall. Care to join?" she says all dressed up and ready. "yeah of course, I think I would get lost if I didn't go with you." I said giggling with her. I told her I would be down in 10 mins.

I put my clothes on and did my hair, I put my curly brown hair down, and did a light makeup look. Grabbed my book back and wand in pocket. I was all dressed up, and ready to meet everyone in the common room.

As Im walking down the spiral staircase, I heard talking and laughter coming closer and closer the more I walked down towards the common room. When I finally got down, everyone was waiting for me. They all said good morning to me and smiled. I said good morning back and smiled at everyone. Then we all started to walk to the Great Hall for some Breakfast. I heard Fred and George walking with us giggling. Everyone noticed and were giggling since they knew they were up to something. "what did you guys do now?" question Ron smiling. "oh little brother, you just wait and see" George said smiling. "we will ask you when we get to the great hall" Fred said follwing Georges words, also laughing

We got into the Great hall and sat down where we normally sit. side conversations going back and forth between the trio and everyone. I didn't know what to say since I was still kind of new to the group. I slowly started to warm up to everyone while we were talking, they were including me into their conversations. "okay well lets see what Val thinks......What do you think about Dumbledore and Mcgonagall, you think they are shagging?" George asked me, laughing but serious at the same time. "Hmmm, I thought they were married or something when I first saw them together, Maybe? I don't know" I said smiling and laughing while looking at Fred and George. "Maybe Mcgonagall is shagging Snape, imagine this....you. have. a beautiful. body.....professor." Ron said mocking Snape in a funny way. The whole table started laughing. We slowly looked up to see Snape eating, just looking at him made everyone laugh.

the bell rings after we were done eating. Me and Harry got up and said bye to everyone, while we were walking to class. I remembered i would be seeing Draco in class. I kind of didn't care, but the thought of yesterday just made my stomach feel weird.

When we arrived to class, I see Draco and his friends laughing and talking. I tired my best to not acknowledge him, but then..."Hey Val, come sit next to me" Malfoy said looking at me in the eyes. I looked at Harry, he was giving Draco a cold stare. I looked at Harry with eyes telling him if its okay if he sits by himself today, He looked at me and nodded and then looked back at Draco, giving him the eyes again. "like what you see potter? everyone does" Draco said in a cocky tone. "shut up Malfoy, worried for my friend is all, being around a fool like you." he said taking his seat. Draco just rolled his eyes and told me to come sit next to him again. I walked towards the empty seat next to him and sat down, placing my bag on the table. It was an awkward silence between us.

class had started, once the teacher had walked in, but He then broke the silence, by whispering in my ear. "our conversation isn't over from yesterday you know?" He said in his deep raspy voice. It made me weak, him talking to me like that, but also made me kind of upset at the same time, because he was so......rude. I then replied with a snarky comment "guess what, it is for me, so if you don't mind I would like to listen to what our professor is teaching us than hear your rude words." He just looked at me in shock and rolled his eyes.

Was that all he wanted, to tell me that the conversation wasn't over? anyways, after the almost hour long session, the bell rung for my next class. I walked out of the classroom doors with harry, he asked me if I was okay. I said yes and smiled. as soon as I walk out the doors I hear a voice behind me, and someone grabbing my shoulder. I turned around, to face Fred hovering above me. "hello gorgeous" He said with a smile, embracing me in a hug. I hugged back. when He said those words to me, Draco was walking out of class at the same time. He just stared at us, I caught him looking and when I did, he walked away looking mad like always.

"hey Freddie-I-I mean fred" I said looking down from embarrassment. I just called him Freddie...I felt like I shouldn't even be calling him that since we just met yesterday. "oh, you can call me Freddie if you'd like. You can call me Fred, wed, ted, read head, anything you'd like" he said smiling at me. I started laughing since it made me giggle. He really is funny when you meet him.

"alright then red head, what you up to" I said to him, having to look up since he is so tall. "I was actually going to ask you the same question, well, not the same question. What are you planning on doing after classes?" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "oh, im actually planning on going to the library to do some homework...If I could even find the library, this place is huge." I said looking around. "well, today is your lucky day, I could help you find it and bring you there after class, if you'd like" He said smiling, looking into my eyes. "actually that would be great, you want to meet in the common room?" i said with butterflies in my stomach. "you got it, I have to go, my next class is going to start soon. Cya Val" he said giving me one last hug.

I swear I was blushing the entire time. I felt like it was a date or something.....I was just over thinking to much, but i was actually really excited to go with him, even though he was just showing me where it was, im pretty sure he was going to leave right after, but we shall see :)

hey guys, im going to start posing the stories sooner, im sorry I lied about posting it earlier, work and school got in the way, I shifted again and there is more things, im going to stop shifting for right now so I can write more and i wont forget anything, because I shifted for about two months in total already!!

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