1 | Sorry, I can't talk long

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The walls of Asheville Brewing and Pizza Co. vibrated faintly as a semi truck wandered by, its tires shaking on the crumbling asphalt of Merrimon Avenue. Atlas took another sip of his porter. His friend was late, again, and his stomach was already starting to tighten from the smell of peppers, sausage, and cheese that taunted him from the center of the table.

This would be the last time he talked to any friend of his for three weeks. He'd thought she'd bother to show up on time, but with Leia's spontaneous nature, he should've known. Actually, if she texted him asking to meet at a different bar, fifteen minutes after he already received the pizza he ordered for them, he wouldn't be surprised either.

Atlas had chosen a wooden picnic table on the patio, but he was starting to wonder if that was a good idea as the sun was setting, and he didn't have a jacket on him.

He counted cars to pass the time, waiting for her run-down red Civic to pull in. The sky darkened. Street lamps flicked on one by one, outlining oncoming traffic in pale white light. It wasn't a quiet night. People shouted and car doors slammed, and he heard dogs barking in the distance and the roar of engines down the road.

And then he saw her. He leaned back, stretching his arms over his head.


He stood up from the table, jogging across the parking lot to meet her. He probably shouldn't have left his wallet and phone on the table, but he knew he'd be back in just a moment.

Atlas tapped on the glass. Leia looked up, her phone screen illuminating her face. She broke out into a smile, and propped the door open with her boot. "Hi!"

"Hi. You couldn't have had more perfect timing; the pizza just got here," he lied, opening the door for her.

"Oh thank God, I'm starving."

He laughed. "You didn't drive here like it."

"Don't be an ass! Something came up." They walked side by side back to the table he chose. "Why are we sitting outside?"

"It was warmer earlier."

Atlas retook his seat. He dipped his head and muttered a "thanks" beneath his breath before helping himself to a much needed slice. He hadn't eaten since breakfast, and the salty cheese on his tongue was exactly what he needed right then.

"This is perfect; thank you for paying," Leia said. She was dressed warmer than him at least, with a black windbreaker that covered the tattoo on her wrist. "I can't believe you get to go to Alaska. I'm jealous."

"You can go instead. I hate the cold! It's spring but I bet I'll be trudging through snow up there." Atlas shivered at the thought. He would have to gather and compare GPS coordinates up in the north for three weeks.

She laughed. "Oh gosh no. You can have all that snow to yourself. Do you need to shop after this? The mall doesn't close until 10, I think."

"I'll figure something out later." He knew he should've taken the offer, but where in Asheville would he find quality winter clothes with summer around the corner in just a few months? He downed the last of his porter, pushing the empty glass to the edge of the table. Exhaling, he grabbed another slice.

Did Alaska even have restaurants? He contemplated the thought as he unknowingly ate an entire half of the pizza as they chatted idly. He had never left North Carolina before, and he knew with his light southern accent everyone he met up there would know it immediately.

All he had ever seen were TV shows of people living on an acreage, surrounded by farm animals, living day to day with the food that they harvested and killed themselves.

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