123 : Chat #4

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Torra and Ama just finished making clothes for the children "Look at us, we did a great job. " Ama smiled and Torra agreed "Yeah, I never thought we could finish this fast. "

"Come on, let's bring these clothes to them. Mrs. Vios was already brought hers. " Ama said as bringing a box of clothes.

But suddenly, they were surprised by Lucky running to Ama immediately. Ama put a box at first then tried to calm her son down "Hey, hey, are you okay? "

She mentioned that Lucky had a tear in his eyes as he asking her "Mom, did you *sniffed* adopt me because *sniffed* you Love me ?" She was shocked by it but she calmed herself down next she gave him a hug.

"Of course, I do. I love you so much, Lucky. " She kissed on his forehead "Why did you think like that ?"

"I'll tell you why. " She and Torra were so shocked seeing Kaz was devastated as he telling them "Your sister called your son one of the children, lousy animals. "

They were so shocked by it, Ama immediately left them as called as loud as she could "ROXYYY.... !" As she walked,  Yeager mentioned that Kaz must been told her about Roxy. He decided to give her a time alone.

Next Torra came to him "Yeager, can I have a word with Kaz alone? " Yeager nodded "Alright, I'll take Lucky with me. " He immediately took Lucky to his private  office while Torra handled Kaz.

"Why Roxy said those things about the kids ? It really hurts their feeling so much. Didn't she see that she's raising Lucky with Ama together. " Kaz sat on the seat then Torra sat beside him as helding his hand "Roxy just don't understand how amazing having a kid in her life but I have no idea she would said those things like that. "

Kaz sighed as looking down "I guess so... "

Torra lifted his face up "Look, this problem takes some time but all we could do is reminds someone to be grateful what they have before everthing's gone. Right now, just focus what should we working on it and not listening those bad words about it. "

Kaz took breath and smiled at her "Thanks honeylatte. " The couple hugged.

Meanwhile Yeager rubbed Lucky's back to calm him down "I know it hurts, Lucky but Aunt Roxy's actually care about you. For your information, your mom always wanted to have a child but you know that she's a droid so Aunt Roxy took her to adopt you and became a part of them. Do you want to know why would she do that ? "

Lucky was curious "Why ?"

Yeager put his hand on Lucky's shoulder "Because she wanted to see your mom happy. Even they often have a fight but they still love each other and so do you." He pointed at Lucky.

Lucky smiled at him "Thank you grandpa. " He gave Yeager a hug next Yeager tapped on Lucky's shoulder.

"You're welcome and just hope that your mom can handle with Aunt Roxy nicely..... "


"I am so disappointed to you, Roxy. How could you say like that?! Especially in front of children, even my boy! " Ama yelled at Roxy.

Roxy felt regret and folded her arms "I know, I know, I blew it. "

"Roxy, raising our boy is like watching the miracle. You and I have been raising Lucky for 11 years. Even we don't have our childhood memory at all but we should rescept the children because they're also our miracle. "

Then Kaz, Torra, Yeager, and Lucky came  to them "There you are, is there something you need to talk with this boy ?" Yeager tapped on Lucky's shoulder.

Roxy took breath and kneeled as staring at Lucky "Lucky, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just being ungrateful what I have and I don't hate you, I love you. " Lucky started smiling at her "I love you too, Aunt Roxy. " He gave her a hug.

Next, she stood up and stared at Kaz "Kazuda, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't underestimate about the children and I gotta help you to build the playground. Do you think you can forgive me? " Kaz smiled "I'm really glad you realize that, it would be great and I forgive you, Roxiono. "

"Hey, I'm the one who call her that. " Ama was surprised that he used her special nickname to Roxy.

Kaz and Roxy chuckled "Well, maybe I'm part of Xiono. "

"Yes, you are. " Kaz replied.

Then Torra helded Kaz's hand as telling the others "Come on guys, we have a building to finish. " They all back to work.

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