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The next weekend. Early February. Amelia's POV.

Although it's a Saturday, I have to get up early for a business breakfast. Another important client I couldn't tell no. I leave the warmth of the bed I'm sharing with Juliette and kiss her neck, trying not to wake her up. But I know I will, she's a light sleeper. She attempts to face me but her leg hurts so she gives up. Instead I walk to her side of the bed. "I have a meeting this morning, go back to sleep."

"It's Saturday." She barely manages to utter.

"I know baby I'm sorry. I have to go. I promise it won't take long ok?"

She mumbles something in agreement. I press one last kiss on her forehead and stare at her. She's so beautiful. I'll never grow tired of that sight. "I love you." I tell her although I know she won't hear it consciously as she has fallen back asleep.

The meeting didn't take long, my client wanted to make sure we were right on schedule and that the last readjustments he wanted would be done for the Superbowl next weekend. Of course it would be. Who does he think I am...Amelia Sheffield always gets the work done, and ahead of time. I wouldn't ask a shitload of money otherwise. The ads during the Superbowl cost a great deal of money but they also bring back a lot more. Although the changes my client is asking mean a lot of extra hours and some will be challenging, but I'm sure the result will be outstanding. 

I beam when I enter my penthouse, pleased with my meeting but stop as I hear laughter and music coming from the kitchen. I walk there as discreetly as possible and observe a scene I had not witnessed in months. Lily is in the kitchen with Juliette and the two of them are dancing together like mad women to the sound of "Don't stop me now".

I'm staring amused, the girls not noticing me. When the song has ended I cheer which attracts their attention. "Hello girls, what's going on?" I kiss Lily and wrap my arms around her mother to kiss her on the lips when Lily is not looking. She's panting and all red in the face. "Gosh, I've had my exercise for the day. We have guests."

"So, that's why you made me go all the way through Manhattan to get you a bottle of white wine when you know I have a cellar stuffed with bottles?"

"The one I want is better than your several hundred dollar bottles and I needed this particular wine for the recipe. It's sweet and perfect."

I laugh at how weird she can be sometimes when food is involved and remembering my embrassement in front of the wine expert when I tried to get the name right. I had to call Ju and hand her the phone. " You couldn't get a Pinot or a Merlot or anything easy to pronounce?" I scold her playfully.

"What. Gascogne is not tough to say. Wait until I have you buy Gewürztraminer."

"We're still talking about wine?" I laugh. "Who are our guests?"

"I invited Sandra, Lea and Kev."

"But there's food for ten more people."

"I know. Lea likes to bring a doggy bag home...so I always make sure there's more than enough."

"Is that your way to apologize?"

"What? Why would I need to apologize to her?"

"Hum...you sort of shouted at her and refused to see her the other day?"

"She deserved it. I didn't do anything wrong."

I open my mouth to speak but quickly close it. Better shut up Amelia.

"What?!" nothing escapes the brunette.

"No, nothing. I don't want to sleep on the couch tonight." I kiss her and escape to our bedroom to change into a pair of jeans and a turquoise silk botton-up I know Juliette loves. Better turn her on than mad.


I join them in the kitchen and grab an apron. "What can I do chefs?" Lily tells me to grate the cheese and to be careful not to add a piece of my finger. Yuk. Cheese is already disgusting as it is. But wait, we have cheese now? So much has changed in my kitchen. In my life.

I'm not a great help so I sip on the white wine Juliette is using for her recipe. She's making...hell I can't remember the name of the meal. It's somethign French obviously, with some white meat I don't recognize, carrots and cream. "It's too bad you can't drink, this wine is really tasty. I can't believe it cost just 30 dollars." She rolls her eyes at me in a way that says "I told you so...I'm always right you should know by now."

I try to grab a slice of apple Lily is putting on a baking tin covered with dough but she slaps my hand and rolls her eyes at me. Those girls. I swear. Finally I'm saved as I hear my phone beeping. "Our guests are here." I exclaim and help Lily off the kitchen counter.

Juliette kisses both women on the cheeks while I remain behind and just greet them with a nod and a smile. I don't feel the need to kiss them, this habit is a bit weird for me and we're not close anyway. And even if we were, I don't particularly like physical contact. Except with Ju, of course.

"Hey, where's Kev?" Ju enquires. "He couldn't come after all. He was needed at the store." Lea answers.

Kevin is the manager of a store that sells sports equipment, she explains to me, and is seldom available at the weekend although he was supposed to be free today, but one of his co-workers called in sick. Juliette leads the way to the living room and I follow her closely. I hear gasps behind my back and know Sandra just noticed the view. I make the drinks and we chat waiting for lunch to finish cooking. Or rather...we wait until Juliette estimates her meal is perfect and ready to be savoured.

I sit down next to Juliette, but not too close, and Lea sits on the other side, too close to Juliette to my liking, wrapping her arm around her. I scream internally but know better than to make a scene and I just caught a weird look in Lea's eyes. I know she's doing it on purpose, to get any type of reaction from me and that if I don't give her one, the question will pop out of her mouth soon.

"We miss you at practice." Sandra says.

"Yeah your softball season is over babe." Lea continues.

"Thanks for reminding me..."

"At least you're getting some exercise with those crutches. I bet your arms are already stronger. But you should practice doing splits." She winks in my direction and Juliette punches her. "Ouch, definitely stronger...So...are you back together?"

It didn't take her long. My gosh, that woman is so nosy.

"Lea..." Juliette warns but she presses on.

"You know, if you don't want Amelia, I'll gladly make her my girlfriend."

"Ah, I knew it, you're gay." I beam.

"Yeah sure. If I were Juliette would be mine already."

"Nop." Sandra says making a popping sound and we all turn our heads in her direction. "You damn well know Kelly would never have let that happen."

The three women burst out laughing and I stare, surprised and excluded from their shared memories. But as their fit of laughter starts to make them shed tears, I laugh along until we stop, our cheeks wet and stomachs aching.

"Care to explain?"

"When Kelly and Juliette moved to the USA they joined the softball team. I wasn't the coach at the time. I started hitting on her...you know, as I always do cos I'm a very flirty person..and she's just so sexy I couldn't resist."

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