Louie Johnson

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Alula pov-

I stormed down the hallway.

Tears springing to my eyes at the thought of Harry with Ginny.

I wasn't important enough it seemed.

'Never felt this way' yeah right.
I scoffed and mentally berated myself for even believing i could be considered special to that god of a person.

That's when I stumbled into Louie Johnson.

He was a 5th year ravenclaw and had been trying to make a move on me since I arrived.
He was to arrogant for my tastes and besides I have Harry.

Or had Harry.

With that thought in mind I walked towards him intent on getting revenge.

He looked me up and down as if I was a piece of meat as I approached "come to play with the big boys" he said seductively.

I was mentally laughing at his ridiculous pickup lines but before i could respond I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

Knowing it was Harry I immediately grabbed him by the tie and pulled him into a kiss.

His lips where wrong.

They weren't they same as the one who held my heart, they lacked his warmth.

As his hands fell to cup my bum my mind was screaming for me to run.

Run back to the safety of Harry's arms.

The arms that where around Ginny.

I pressed closer to him at this thought only to pull away when I heard a strangled gasp from behind me.

I turned to see Harry, there was a deep rooted hurt set in his eyes before the emotionless mask I had been trying to break away was back in place.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you I'll be on my way" with that he turned around and left without even sparing us a backward glance.

What had I done?

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