When Edward Cullen was Edward Masen, he was betrothed. His fiancee was the daughter of one of his father's close friends. Her name? Adelina Snow. Over time, the two really do fall in love. A year after Edward's 'death', Addie is changed in the same...
I awoke Renesmee at 8 a.m. and gave her clothing before dressing myself.
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"Why are you up so early?" Edward asked as we came downstairs, talking to Renesmee.
"It's Thanksgiving, Daddy. Did you forget we're going to Gramma and Grampa's in an hour?" Nessie asked her father.
"Of course not, Ness. I just didn't think you'd be up so soon. I actually though your mother and I could have some alone time." Edward told her.
"Oh, shut up and be productive." I ordered my boyfriend, going into the kitchen and heating up a cup of donated blood for Renesmee. She only got human blood on holidays and birthdays; every other day was normal animal.
"Here, Honey." I said, smiling as I gave Ness her cup and then cleaned the house. No, cottage. house implies more living space than we had, even though I adored the little place.
"Edward, are you wearing fresh clothes?" I questioned.
"Not yet, no."
"Go. Get. Dressed." I ordered, my tolerance wearing thin. Edward's not a child, he has one, and she sometimes acts mentally older than him.
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When he came back out, I smiled.
"Now isn't that better?" I asked, kissing his cheek.
"Yea, it is. Always, if makes you kiss me." Edward agreed smoothly. I sighed. romantic idiot.
"Stop being gooey." Renesmee demanded, shoving herself between us. I laughed.
"Of course, Love." I smiled, picking her up even though she's too big for that. Edward didn't seem as willing, but then again, he could do nothing without my consent.
"Come on, then." I said calmly, exiting the house. Renesmee climbed on Eddie's back, and we ran to Carlisle's house.
"Dela, Edward, Nessie." Carlisle greeted us.
"Hi, Dad." Edward answered while Renesmee gracefully hopped off his back.
"Grampa!" Nessie called, leaping into his arms. Spoiled love...
"Dela, hello." Esme greeted me.
"Hello, Esme. I brought a recipe, Edward used to love it, and I'd say it's rather clever." I told her.
"What is it?" Esme asked.
"Apple and goat cheese dinner rolls," I said, taking the recipe out of my back pocket. "I enjoyed them, but Edward was obsessed."
"That does sound delicious. I wish I'd be able to try them, but I'll have to make do with making them for others." Esme muttered, smiling.
"If you want, I could help you cook everything. You're making food for both packs, that has to be stressful."
"It is, yes. Thank you, dear." Esme patted my hand. I smiled.
"Not a problem." I assured her.
Six hours later, the kitchen smelled wonderful, and the family and the packs were sprinkled around Carlisle and Esme's house: in the dining room, the living room, the tv areas-basically, wherever there was seating-and eating the food. Renesmee was eating the roll and adoring it, and I was behind her, talking with Seth, who was to her right(Jacob was to her left).
All in all, a perfect day.
a.n.-I thouht I'd make a thanksgiving chapter. if you're not American, this won't make sense and I'm sorry, but as the holiday's this week I decided to do something.