'Jackie' someone yells
'Jackie it's almost time for school , get up!'
I shoot out of bed and take a shower. I put on some high waisted denim shorts and a pink crop top.
I put on some concealer and mascara before running downstairs and grabbing a banana.
There's a bag on the table with an note that says
Jackie. Here is you bag for school. All your stuff is in it and the boys are waiting for you at the bus stop just outside our house.
I run outside to see the bus leaving.
'Noooo' I scream
I start running after the bus but it's no use. I don't even know the way to the school.
I just start walking hopelessly along the footpath when I hear a car approaching.
I turn around to see a black convertible.
The window winds down and inside is a very hot boy.
My mouth hangs open.
'No need to stare' he says and I quickly shut my mouth.
This isn't my usual reaction to hit boys but I'm just so dumbfounded.
'Need a lift' he says smirking
'Actually yeah. I'm going to some school around here. I don't know what it's called'
'Grashud high school?' he asks
'Yeah something like that'
I clime in smiling.
'I'm Jackie by the way' I say holding out my hand
'Travis' he says shaking my hand.
'So what school do you go to' I ask him
'Same as you'
I just smile.
When we arrive at school I get out walking to the front doors.
I hear some boys laughing at me as I walk through the doors.
Oh. It's just cole and Corbin I mutter to myself.
The catch up to me walking beside me.
'Hey where the office' I ask
'We'll take you' the said in sinc
As I walk through the office doors I'm about to say my name when cole butts in.
'Jackie Collins'
The lady doesn't change her expression staying at a boring one.
She hands me my timetable and my locker number.
After we walk out they leave because there lockers are in the other direction.
Thank god. The devils gone.
I walk up and open my locker.
The hallway is loud and chatty until all the girls start fixing their hair and make up.
I hear whispers like
'He's coming'
'Omg I'm gonna faint'
'He's so hot'
'We'd be such a good couple'
I just snicker at them when I see who's coming.
He's such a jerk.
He walks up to me putting his arm around my shoulder.
'Hey jackie' he says.
'And what do you want' I say bored
'What class do you have' he asks
'Nunya' I say
'Nunya business' I tell him
'Pleaaassseeee' he asks
'Stop your embarrassing yourself' I tell him.
He looks around. There's girls giving me dirty glances and guys just checking me out.
'I might have a good body but there's no need to stare' I tell the boys
Cole laughs.
'Your so weird' he tells me
'Says the one who walks around the house in his underwear' I tell him
'HEY' he yells
I ear a few laughs from boys.
Then the bell rings. Nobody moves they just stand there looking at us.
'Don't you all have somewhere to be?' I ask.
And with that they all turn around and leave.
Thanks to all my supportive readers.
Read my other book called 'Back Then'. I like it better than this book.

RandomJackie is your normal teenage girl. She gets up in the morning goes to school, comes home and goes to sleep. Until that one morning when she wakes up and the house is completely silent. Her parents had gone to visit one of mums closest friends. O...