Chapter 1

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Hey my name is Keigo and this is my story.

It all started as I was a child that I field like that I never was a part of our family. Like my 2 older brothers never talked to me or wanted to play with me. As I was 5 I figured out why it was like this. I was not like other kids I was special I had powers like I could fly and I could burn things up with out any trouble. But because of this I got feared by all the people in my home town. That was also the reason why my parents give me to some strange people when I was 7. At first I thought when I can control my powers I could go home and my family would finally love me. But it never should happen I figure this really fast out. But I accept it because I figure out that I could get one of the big fighters I could be a hero I could save people and no one would ever again be scared of me. And this is how my story begins.

Present time.

I am now 17 years old I am in my last year of the academy where I learn to control my powers and it's the best way to get recognized. If you are lucky one of the biggest heroes notice you and they want you as your partner. But I do not believe that I will ever have the chance to get one of them as my mentor or more like are partner so I try to get into one of the small towns to keep them save. Most of the students want to go in the big city like Tritino the biggest town in our country. It also has the most problems. The villains there are really powerful and dangerous. As an beginner it's not really the best place to start. But not all people think like this so most of them got in the first few days killed or badly injured that they no longer can fight. I personally will not die on my first day so I will work in a small town that's called Zhuta. It only has 3000 villagers what's pretty good. It has not so many bad guys and the worst problems are some bank robbery's. So nothing really dangerous to be honest. But it's okay for me.

It's the last school day I can then finally burn my books.

"So students this is your final day here I hope everyone of you have found a place to work or an hero some gone take you. But for them who doesn't have a place to work for you we will help you to find a place to work and live. It may not be something there will like but better than nothing am I right." Said a young woman. She looks really beautiful and small I think she most be an young hero. She looks like she is maybe 25 years old or maybe younger. "And for the Students some has an job and a place to live congratulations you will start next week as a hero. If any of you has some questions then ask now maybe it's the last time there have the chance to ask." I could here that many whispered but non of them would ask so I took the chance to ask. " Yeah I have a question. What should we do when there is an villain attack and we are alone and we knew that we don't have any chances to save the people. What do we do when stuff like this happens?" I ask. I could see that all the students and teacher look at me. But I think it's a good question so I don't care of other think it's stupid. "This is a good question kid. And the answer is in this moment you don't think about is it to dangerous or have I an chance to save all. In this particular moment you just think of the people you try to save as many as you can even if you know that you will probably die." Answer an older men some was sitting beside Captain Strangers. "What's your name kid?" the older men asked me now. "My name is Keigo Fukamaru." I said. I was abit scared too why would an older hero ask me about my name. "Okay Keigo Fukamaru what are you going to do right after this last school class?" he asked me and stranded up and walked beside the young woman who was talking at the beginning. "I am going to pack my last things and will go with the first train I get to Zhuta. I found there an place to life and I can help the people there." I said. I could see that most of my classmates laughed at me. I think it's because I didn't say I go in a big city. "You can laugh now classmates but also the small towns needs help they may not have so much villain problems or murders but that doesn't mean they have no problems. So there can laugh at me but I will go there and help these people." I said proud. But I could feel how now all looking at me. I most say I feel now like I would burn in side out because of embarrassing. But before I could run away as I wish I could do. Clapped the hero's on the stage . "This kid has the real meaning understand what it means to be a hero and for all that laughed now there don't understand what it means to be a hero. It doesn't matter if you save a cat out if a tree or if you save someone from a fire. You help someone and it doesn't matter if it's not that big hype or that you are in the newspapers or not. And for all the people here some just one be a hero because of the hype the people give you I can say there is the door there just didn't understand anything what we tried to teach you." The woman said and looked in my direction. "Keigo came up here." Said the older man with out any contact. I was in this moment like what why, I don't want to. But I don't have another option so I walked up to them. It felt strange to stand there with all the heroes but I can't say that I don't like it. "So Keigo tell us why you wanted to go in a small town and not in a big city?" she asked me. I could feel how every one is now watching me. "The small towns needs also help and I think you don't need to go in a big city to be a hero. Most of them who is going now to Tritino or another big city will most likely not see the next day. I also know that I sound like a cry baby because I don't want to die on my first day but if you ever think about it the villains or murders doesn't stop doing bad stuff because of some kids who thinks I am finished with the academy I am a hero now. I think you need to earn to be called a hero. You just can go in a city and say yeah here I am, fear me I am the new hero here. It doesn't work like this I think." I said. I could feel all the angry looks from my classmates but I am right most of them will not see the next morning even. And to be honest I hope it to. Because many of them are more like the bad guy then a hero should be. And when there wonder why now one likes me here it's because of my fire powers.

3 years earlier.

It is my first day on this academy I was excited but also scared. Mostly scared to be honest. But I want do become a hero so that people don't see me as a bad guy or a villain. I know that my fire are dangerous and that it's even more then from Firefist. He is actually my idol he showed me that it's cool to have fire as your power but that doesn't mean that others will like it. Because my fire is blue it's hotter an far more dangerous than this from Firefist but the doesn't mean that I can't be a hero just because of this. I also can fly I can have wings of different kinds. It depends on my mood and on what I need.

It's now the first class I am really excited because who knows who we get as a teacher. Maybe it's a older hero some now just teach or younger generations to be a hero. But who ever it's gone be I will do my best.

It's now day 3 of school and I feel like no one wants to do anything with me. I think it's because of the fact that we needed to show or powers. I was the second one who showed there powers and as I just showed that I could fly and change my wings it was all okay but in the moment I set my hand on fire with my blue flams it was like every one didn't wanted to sit beside me. They looked at me like I was from another planet. But it's not like I like my fire I hate it too but I learned to control it and it's also some times really useful but people always just see the bad things about my strange but not the good think. And this is what bothers me the most. Not that I don't have friends or family, not that I live alone no, that what bothers me the most are the look on the people, the look they give you when they fear you, when they are scared to sit or stand beside me. This is what I hate the most.

We had or first group work and it was obviously that no one wanted to work with me. "We don't want to work with a freak like him. He burns us down or don't work at all, he just let us do the work." Said all my class mates. "Okay Keigo you will work alone and you need to do the same stuff and also the same sides." My teacher told me. I am sure that she also doesn't like me it's just a couple of teachers that doesn't seam to be afraid of me.

The group work or for me an alone work was hard I had also just 3 days to finish it. But I was happy how my work was working out. I was also not dumb I did my work completely digital not that my school mates destroys my work. And the good thing was the teacher didn't say we could work digital so I was lucky.

It was the day of the presentation and I was as always first. But I think non of them was thinking that I have an finished presentation and that I did even more then the rest of my classmates. I could see that my teacher would had love to give me an low grade but I was the best of all so she gaffed me the best grade. I was for the first time happy to be better then the rest even if there worked in 4 groups.

Back in the present time.

"You speak the truth young hero most of your classmates most likely will die in the first 72 hours. Some of them even earlier because they don't now how to handle some situations." The older hero told. I was shocked that he was saying it like it's nothing but I did the same but I was till now a normal and scared teen. "Keigo what would you say that I live in Zhuta and that I want you to be my partner?" he ask me. I was shocked I didn't now what to say. But I could hear the protests of my classmates and some of my teachers. "This kid is dangerous it's sucks." Screamed some of my classmates. "Every one SHUT THE HELL UP!" screamed the old hero. "You all are the worst. This kid what stands here is more hero then all of you. Keigo I would love to have you as my partner. I am not scared of your blue fire. I would think we would fit perfectly together what do you say." I was thinking for a moment because I was skeptical because I heard my whole live I could never become a hero because of my powers but here I stand in front of a hero who wants to have me as his partner. "Yes I would love to be your partner." I said. I could see that he was happy that I said yes to his offer. But I could see all the bitter looks of my class and some of the teachers. "Keigo go and pack the rest if your stuff we will travel now to Zhuta." He said. I nodded in agreement and run to my room. I was happy but also scared because I don't know what all can happen now but I am excited I will have even a partner or more like a mentor.

This will be really exciting when I finally finish my packing and when I am at Zhuta. But for now I just pack my stuff and go back to the hero who wants me.

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