Draco's hand around my neck hand pulled away and back onto the couch, where his fingers dug into the fabric. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he pushed further and further.Just as I thought things couldn't get any better, he hit the perfect spot. I wailed in pleasure, arching my back as he continued. "Beg for it." He growled, the words trailing from his lips with need.
He kept edging and edging me. I knew he wouldn't stop until I begged. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. "Please Draco, please, ple-" I cut off my own words as a surge of beautiful pleasure flooded my body. "Draco!" I yelled, digging my fingers into his shoulder.
He was panting at this point, desperate for breath. He seemed to like the fact that I had screamed his name. His pupils were dilated; staring down at me with immense intensity.
"You're such a good girl for me." He smiled down at me, grabbing my hair with his hand. I looked up at him and smiled. "I know." I said with a hint of mischief.
"We should really stop. The ball will be ending soon, and getting caught would get us both expelled." He whispered, littering a few kisses onto my cheek. I nodded and watched him as he pulled out and suited up into his clothes.
"I really hate you, a lot." I said, slipping into my red silk gown. He nodded and laced up his belt, looking at me for a few moments. "I hate you even more." He said, buttoning his collared shirt together.
And just like that, he was gone, disappeared into the darkness. I sunk into the cushions of the sofa, watching the fire in the fireplace dance around. My whole body ached.
I sat on the edge of the sofa, lost in thought. Draco was sure right about one thing; I definitely wouldn't be able to move for at least a day.
As I watched the fire dance around, the common room door slammed open, a heavy breathing Draco standing in the threshold. "We have to leave. Now." He said with a scratchy voice, walking further into the common room.
"What? Why?" I asked, looking over at him, brows knitted together. He was distraught, pacing around the room, clutching his wand like a lifeline.
"All the students at the ball have been ordered to go home immediately- there's a threat to the school." He said evenly, turning to me wild cold eyes.
I steadied myself against the couch, then stared at Draco, watching as he looked as if he was trying to decide what on earth to do. "What kind of threat?" I asked with a confused tone.
"A dark one. A bad one. Students have been going missing since the ball. We have to leave. Now." He said, walking over to me. He grabbed my upper arm with his cold hand, steadying me as I tried to stand.
Before I could ask where we were going, he casted a spell. "Apparition." He said calmly. For a moment, all was normal. I was standing in the Gryffindor common room, next to a warm, burning fireplace.
But the next time I blinked, we were in a completely different place. A cold structure with pillars lining the walls, a high ceiling, black couches and chairs, and a fireplace that didn't burn.
"Where are we?" I asked, looking around with wide eyes. From here— what I assumed was the living room— I could see a kitchen and a hallway, but nothing else. The house itself had many walls.
"Malfoy Manor. I brought you here so you wouldn't have to go back to London." He said, leading me to one of the couches. I took a seat on the black leather, crossing my legs as I stared at him- watching as he paced around with an unreadable expression.
"Students have been going missing since the ball started. Alex, Amber, Sofia. They all left to go get something but never came back. Dumbledore thinks the Death Eaters are bribing kids as hostages." He said firmly, refusing to make eye contact with me.
"He said the school will be locked down until further notice— until this situation is resolved." He said, continuing to pace.
I was shocked, truly. I had heard those names before, but never really hung out around them. Usually I just stayed around Esme and sometimes Hermione, but now Hermione is the only girl I really stay around.
It was terrifying- knowing that either Draco or I— or even Hermione— could be taken next. And a hostage situation? That's even more miserable. Someone terribly evil was behind this.
I wanted to tell Draco I was scared— terrified— but since we still 'hate one another', I decided to drown in my own pool of shock and fear. He sat down next to me, hand resting on my thigh. I could feel the coolness of his hands even through the silk of my dress.
"Dumbledore will figure it out. He's wise." Draco said, trying to raise my spirits. I nodded, but not even reassurance seemed to help. I was worried if I were to be taken that I may never see my family again- at least not until the captor is figured out.
Suddenly, Draco let out a cry of fury. He began scratching his left arm- near his hand. My eyes widened as I watched him rake his skin. "It's my father." He said through gritted teeth, continuing to pull at his skin.
"For every hour I don't join his group, he inflicts pain." He said bluntly, his eyes squeezing as they induced pain. "Oh Draco," I whispered, wrapping my arms around his side.
Even though, yeah, maybe Draco is an evil boy who will never really know anything else, he doesn't deserve to receive pain his father causes on him. It's unfair— even for someone so... Ruthless.
After a few minutes, Draco's pain had finally settled. My hands still swept around his waist, but neither of us seemed to mind the feeling of one another's bodies.
"How can I help? I don't want to see you hurt." I said calmly, head resting on his shoulder. I heard a sigh escape his lips, as both of us stared at the empty, cold fireplace.
"You can't. I either join them, or I suffer." He replied bluntly. I could hear thoughts twist around in his head, as if he was trying to figure out something else to say. "Actually, can you rub my back? It's been sore."
His voice was patient and absentminded. I nodded and helped him undo the buttons on his shirt, pulling it off his arms. His back and shoulders were bruised, purple and red.
I felt a huff of breath leave my lips, confusion rising inside of me. "Are all of these from..." I asked, trialing off at the last moment. Of course it was his father.
"Yes." He replied plainly. I moved closer to him, my fingers kneading his shoulders. I went around all of the bruises, only touching his pale skin.
A heavy breath emerged from his lips as I hit one particular knot in his shoulder. "Stay in that spot." He groaned with pleasure as my fingers twisted around the knot.
I did so, and continued to rub his back for another thirty minutes before my fingers began falling asleep. He nodded as payment-- because, of course, Draco never really says thank you to anyone.
"You should get some sleep." He said quietly, pulling a thick, grey blanket from the back of the couch. I agreed, sliding my legs to full length on the couch.
He stood before me and fanned the blanket onto my body, tucking any excess fabric into the couch so I could remain comfortable throughout the night.
"I'll be in the sitting room, two doors down the hallway." He said cooly, turning and walking down the hallway. I watched as he disappeared into the darkness, a sense of longing throbbing in my heart.
I snuggled into the blanket, clutching the fleece as the coolness of the house finally settled in. It was abnormally quiet- I could almost hear the air coursing through the house- that's how quiet it was.
Finally, I shut my eyes, even despite being absolutely terrified.
The morning came much too soon. It felt like I hadn't even got a wink of sleep. My head throbbed and my body ached with pain. I felt miserable— stranded on the couch.
I heard footsteps pass the living room, so I poked my head up to see who it was. Draco was pacing around, holding a brown coffee cup. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, then spoke over to him.
"Hey." I said, it was the first thing that came to mind. He looked up at me, while taking a sip of the liquid. His eyes flashed with liking, then they went back to being cold and mysterious and usual.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked bluntly, eyes looking down my body. I cocked my head, which caused him to instantly meet my eyes once again. "Good. And you?" I asked, pulling the blanket off my body.
"I didn't." He replied evenly, helping me pull the blanket off my body. I shivered as coolness chimed all over my body. I had been so warm in the blanket I completely forgot how freezing the house was.
"I'm sorry to hear that." I said to him, sitting up. I rested my back on the cushions and placed my hands over my chest, trying to warm myself up. "It's nothing unusual." He said blandly.
I couldn't help but notice his coldness toward me- especially recently. He had been distant and mysterious ever since what we did in the common room. My immediate thought was my performance on the couch; but then I realized he would've just flat out told me if that was the case.
"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked out of the blue. This took him by surprise. He jerked his head up from the coffee cup, looking me dead in the eyes— like a deer in headlights.
He processed a thought for a moment, then spoke. "I hate everyone." He said with ease, moving the coffee around in the cup as he looked over at me. He was standing near the cold fireplace, and I watched him from the sofa.
"Why do you like me sometimes then hate me others?" I asked with a slight bit of anger- and some sadness in my voice. His eyes pulled away from mine, and they looked around the room, at this and that.
"Because I just do." He spoke with an unreadable expression. Though I had pain shooting through my body- and especially my legs- I stood up quickly, my fingers churning into fists.
I took a few- very wobbly and undirected- steps toward him, my face blazing with fury. "You can't just push me away after you get what you want." My voice grew louder, and much angrier. I was tired of his games. It was only fun for him.
He stared at me with pride, and maybe some compassion for my walking abilities. "Oh but I can." He smiled, taking another sip of coffee. My lips turned into a frown.
"I want to leave." I replied, crossing my arms. I was so tired of him- the things he did to me- the way he used me for pleasure and only pleasure. It was sickening, really.
"No." He replied with a half-smile, sitting his cup of coffee on the fireplace shelf. I cocked my head at him, and felt my mouth open just the slightest bit.
"Excuse me?" I asked? furrowing my brows together. Rage was grasping onto my body. He couldn't hold me- not against my will.
"I'm keeping you safe. You can deal with my... hatred for you." He said slyly, using my own words against me. Before I could even think about what I was going to do, or say, my hand rose and directed a slap right across his left cheek.
I moved my hand away, realizing what I had done. He looked frozen, staring at the ground. But then, his head turned back to me, eyes glimmering with a menacing gleam.