Chapter 20

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Everyone read the message. None of us looked at each other, we just sat there. In silence. That was a real shitty move Blue. Cyan was the only one around him and she could have been used as an alleby, but instead he called himself out.

I stood up from Black's embrace, and walked over to White. "What do you want-" she started but I cut her off with a hug. I can't afford to have a bad relationship with anyone here, I have to stay alive. White let out a small chuckle. "This isn't an apology loser," she teased. Weight fell off my shoulders and I feel better about things now.

I stand up and walk back to my corner. It's scary looking down because my corner is right my the edge so someone could push me off. I shrug the thought off, I put myself into this position.

Soon enough my eyes fell tired and I was asleep.


I wake up. Instead of blankets, I'm layered in pillows. I didn't wake up last night and no one volunteered to look out for us.

I take all my pride and throw it down the drain texting the chat box.

Pinkie Pie💫:
Is everyone alive?

Yellow and I went to go check. Blue's corpse is by the others.

Oh god. Someone went to go kill again last night. That's two down in one day. I flinch at Black's touch, surprised he was still here with me. Either it was Purple and Yellow or one of us. The feeling of heavyweights on my head is back.

"That bastard deserved it anyways," White spits out. None of us objected, he was the first one to go kill crazy. But who killed him? Red still has his evil smile on his face so he definitely didn't. I look up to Black, he is getting more comfortable without his helmet. He gives me a smile of reassurance and I know it couldn't be him.

"It has to be Yellow or Purple," I say. "Why," Red says scrunching his eyebrows. "It couldn't be one of us, I trust you guys," I say. "How would we know it wasn't you Pinkie," White says. I open my mouth to speak but my mouth is dry. It couldn't be me, I was here the whole time.

"It isn't her. We were together the whole night," Black says. Thank god he said that. I think the other two are too scared to object so they nod quickly.

We get to eating ice cream. It tastes more powdery every day. "White and I are venturing out," Red says. "For what?" I ask. There is no point in leaving, we finished our tasks so staying here would be the best best. "We are getting real food, and water. You guys are welcome to join us," Red says.

I object, I feel safer here. I look up to Black and he shakes his head. "We will be back in a couple of hours, if we aren't back by 4 go off and find us," White says winking at me on the last part.

The start climbing off and we wave them off.


Black and I are walking around cluelessly.
"What do you want to do love?" Black questions. I don't know, it's scary up here without the other two. He notices my confusion. "Do you want to play a game?" He asks. "I guess it would take my mind off of things," I say.

He gives a devilish smile and nods. My cheeks turn red and I'm biting back an embarrassing smile.
"Can you zip my gloves off?" He asks. I do as I was told, and his hands are free now. He has Black nail polish that is chipping off on his nails. After I get his gloves off he does the same to me.

"This game is kind of like telephone, but drawing. Since we don't have any equipment we are using out hands." I nod. "I'm going to draw or write something on your hand with my fingers and you have to figure it out," He continues innocently. God my dirty mind has got me thinking different things.

He takes his big hands around mine. My hand is sitting on one of his, and his other hand is brushing gently at my palm. He starts drawing circles with two dots and a line. He looks up smiling, this is an easy one. "A smiley face," I say. He nods leaning in and I close my eyes.

Instead of kissing my lips, he gives me a kiss on the nose and pulls away. I look so stupid right now. "Your turn," He says. "I want to write something," I say. He nods and rolls up his sleeve so I could write on his arms. His arms his arms his arms his arms his arms oh god. I feel butterflies in my stomach looking at all of the veins.

He takes my hand in his and gives me another kiss. "Be gentle," He says. I probably look like a tomato right now, bright red. I pull his arm back to my corner on the floor with the pillows. We sit down.

I move my hair to one side and tilt my head with my neck showing. I lean down holding his arm writing 'pinkie pie'. I bring his arm to my lips and leave a trail of kisses from his hand to his upper arm. He cups my face with his other hand.

"You wrote pinkie pie," He said. "You're really good," I whisper in his ear. He laughs and gives me a gleaming smile. A real smile. "I need a bigger canvas," He said.

Yay I updated🌝 I'm failing in geometry so like most of my attention has been there :/

I don't know if I should make the next chapter a lil spicy ;)

Thanks for being patient with me, love ya <3

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