Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Nico's POV

The rest of the train ride went pretty smoothly. Soon after we went back to the compartment they asked what was up with all the daggers and I just smirked and said that they also teach weaponry and combat at our school. They looked a little astonished but masked it well. I learned to read emotions as both a survival tactic and from Severus as a way to tell others intentions or tics. It's a useful skill that I've grown to like. Blaise left to meet with a teacher and came back a while later saying it was Sluggish's club..... or something like that. I just heard that the professor's name started with the word slug and got distracted thinking of slugs wearing formal robes..... damn ADHD!

Any-who, the rest of the time we read or talked about annoying classes. I mostly tuned or spaced out though. Soon we changed into our school robes, (which I did privately) and it was time to exit the train..... Finally! The others step out first fallowed by Draco and I. I see Draco looking off into the distance with unease and I frown and fallow his gaze. Ah, I see. "What are those things?" He asks indignantly. I huff out a little defensively on behalf of my fathers creations. "Those are Thestrals." I continue explaining as I walk over to one and let one sniff my hand. "They can only be seen by those who have seen death. Since you seem surprised I take it the first death you have seen was over the summer?"

Draco nods his head silently while the others wait around, not knowing what to do. I take they haven't seen someone die before. Lucky them. 'It's an honer to meet you, master!' I jolt a bit and the Thestral makes an indignant noise that sounds horse. Haha horse.... get it? Cause the Thestrals a horse!

It gives out a neigh that sounds like a dying breath and playfully nips at my finger making me grin. 'That was a horrible joke master! Anyway, your friends seem spooked. Better get into the carriage! You don't want to be late!' I pet it's neck once before turning back to the others. Draco looks at me like I'm insane but I ignore him and hop in the carriage. The others fallow suit. We don't talk much, instead we ride back in silence.

We round a corner and I see this massive castle that I know Annabeth is going to be going crazy over! I internally smirk, but don't let it show. Soon enough we're making our way off the carriages and telling our name to a couple professors at the front gate before they let us in. They cast a spell on us to check for anything miscellaneous. Of course, due to Draco's warning, Blaise's spell casting, and my smuggling, they found nothing! Though there was a professor bugging Malfoy about his cane and it's potential use of a weapon before Severus vouched for Draco. It was quite amusing.

We were walking to the castle in comfortable silence when I hear a familiar cawing. Rose flys towards me and lands on my shoulder and pecks at my cheek playfully. I grin and softly pet the midnight feathers on her head. Pansy squeals happily and says, "Is that your pet?" I nod my head to her and say, "Her name's Rose." She smiles.

.... .... .... ....

We finally reach the castle and I'm met by an older female professor with her hair in a tight bun and a witch hat on. She says her name is Professor McGonagall and points me to a group of other student waiting by the entrance hall. Some are my friends and boyfriend, but the rest all look to be 10-11 years old. To keep up appearances I glare at my friends and they either pointedly ignore me or scowl at me. I end up waiting in a corner and hiding in the shadows until we were called into the entrance hall by the same Professor.

The entrance hall was pretty admirable with floating candles and a ceiling that looked dark and cloudy like the sky was outside. The people sitting at the house tables all broke into excited whispers while pointing fingers at us or the younger group of first years. There were four tables, the one on the far left had a green banner with a snake on it. My new acquaintances were sitting there so I take it that it's the Slytherin table. Next to it was a table with students wearing blue ties, must be Ravenclaw. Then there was the walkway we were walking in. To my right was the Hufflepuffy table that had people sporting yellow. And finally on the far right was the Gryffindor table with red and gold everywhere. I see the Golden trio and the other red head, Ginny, and Neville sitting there as well.

Professor McGonagall brings out a simple stool and a very old hat. She puts the hat on the stool and everyone looks at it expectantly. Why is she showcasing a hat? To my surprise the hat opens it mouth and talks! Then.... sings? I'm so caught up in the fact that it's singing that I don't pay attention to the lyrics. Wow. Guess hats can sing. That a first for me. After the hat was finished singing the professor starting calling off names and one by one the hat was placed on their heads and moments later, it called out which house they were in.

Soon all the first years were called and it was only us demigods left. Dumbledore stood up and tapped his spoon against his glass to get everyone's attention. There was a lot of whispering about us but it soon stopped when he began to speak. "Now I know you are all wondering who these lovely students are. They are exchange students from a private school in America called Delphi. They are here for their 6th year and I hope you treat them as one of our own! Now! Let's get them sorted!"

With that, Professor McGonagall calls out, "Chase, Annabeth." Annabeth strides over with an air of confidence and sits on the stool. I see the hat look excited for a moment before flinching. I can tell Annabeth looks a bit shaken and annoyed. Soon the hat calls out, "Gryffindor!" And she takes off the hat and goes to sit at the red and gold table. McGonagall looks happy about this but after a moment of pride, returns to her duty.

"Di Angelo, Nico." I internally sigh but externally show a stony face of indifference. I sit on the stool and McGonagall puts the creepy talking hat on my head.

Rude! This is my job! I don't like to be called creepy for what I do.

I freak out a bit internally. I think to the hat, 'No one can hear you right?'

No, demigod. No one can hear me.

'How do you know I'm a demigod?'

Oh there isn't anything you can hide from me! Now let's look at those memories.

'How about no-' my thoughts are cut off by memories flowing through me in a matter of seconds. Memories of me and my mom and Bianca hanging out. An explosion of lightning and my mother's death. Being in the hotel playing with Mythomagic cards. Being saved by Percy from the time-warped hotel. Bianca joining the hunters and Percy telling me she died on her mission. Me running away and Snape meeting me. Him raising me and my father claiming me. Meeting Neville when summoned to the underworld to learn from my father. My first killing. Going to close the gates of hell but being captured and tortured by the giant twins. Grabbing my sister Hazel instead of Bianca from the underworld since Bianca reincarnated. Going on the trip to save Olympus. Being named 'Ghost King'. My first kiss with Will. Our dates together. More time spent with Neville in the underworld. And lastly the upcoming details of this mission.

Oh my....

I know the hat can't see me but I can tell I'm tense and have a killer icy glare. I know the temperature dropped around me but can't find it in me to care.

Some rough life you have had there.

Just sort me already!

Ok, ok! Better be...........


I would sigh in relief at actually getting sorted in the right house if I didn't feel emotionally violated and a bit drained. I vaguely hear another name being called but I'm a bit out of it. I make it over to the Slytherin table and sit down next to Draco and Blaise. They give be a concerned look but otherwise say nothing. For that, I am extremely thankful. I realize that the only one left is Leo who is currently wearing the hat. A moment later and it shouts, "GRYFFINDOR." He jumps off and does an air fist excitedly. His robe tie changes to red and gold as he is skipping over to the Gryffindor table. It appears everyone else made it into Gryffindor.

McGonagall is about to put the hat away when it protest.

"Wait a minute! Wait just one minute! I'm about to do something I haven't evoked in over 80 years!" Shouts the sorting hat. There are mutters from the students and inquires from a few at the staff table.






"I call for a resorting!"

Word count: 1,584

Nico Di Angelo the Death Eater SpyWhere stories live. Discover now