"So let me guess, a new case once again?" Sabrina rolls her eyes. Sometimes this whole hunting thing is tiring to her. Why couldn't she live the life Uncle Sammy does? Uncle Sammy gave up hunting a long time after his girlfriend Eileen came back to life. After she came back, Sam decided it would be best to live life with her peacefully. Sabrina always was happy though, with her life, she just always wondered what it would be like to live a peaceful life like her Uncle Sammy and her cousins."Yes unfortunately. Lucky for us, it's a monster we've dealt with before." Castiel says in a serious tone.
"What is it this time, it's not demons is it? I've had enough of those bastards." Dean says, he refuses to fight another demon. Those things were ugly.
"No, no it's not. From the evidence it shows that this is a werewolf."
"A werewolf?" Sabrina said. "You mean like the pointy teeth, transform at full moon, sharp nail type creature?"
"Yep. That's the one. But Cass, how can you be so sure?"
"Dean, their hearts were ripped out, and claw marks were present on the victim's body. What else could that be?"
"Yeah yeah, you're right, you're right." He continues to eat his burger Cass made for him as he pontificates. "Okay, let's send Sabrina out for this case."
Sabrina drops her fork. "Wait, you want ME to go out? Dad I've never hunted one of these things before!"
"And that's why I'm sending you out to hunt, you gotta learn somehow right? Now go, go get ready."
Sabrina rolls her eyes, she knew there was no point in arguing. Her dad was sending her out on a hunt alone. It was practically a death wish. She knew he was only sending out alone because her nephilim powers would help her win the fight almost every time. She needed help from someone. Someone she knew her dad wouldn't approve of. She picks up her phone.
"What is it?" A voice says in a monotonous tone.
"Lexi. I need your help."
"Do you know anything about werewolves? My dad's sending me out on a hunting case and I have absolutely NO clue what I'm doing."
Lexi thinks for a minute. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But I'll tell you what, meet me at the usual meeting place and then I'll tell you what I know."
"Ugh, Lexi fine. You're so complicated sometimes."
"Hehe that's the point." The line clicks off, leaving Sabrina staring at her phone. At that moment there's a knock on the door. It's Castiel.
"Dad, hi."
"Sabrina, I'm coming with you."
"What? Dad I love you and all, but I don't need your guidance.""Sabrina, what do you know about werewolves, let alone how to hunt one. This is only your third case Dean has sent you on alone."
"Yes Dad, and you've seen me manage perfectly fine in the past two.""Sabrina, I won't have it. I'm coming with you."
Sabrina curses under her breath. She can't have her dad find out about Lexi. What would he think? Even worse, what would Dean think, especially since she's a demon."Fine, but only if I can drive." Castiel sighs. He did not sign up to have a kid with Dean if he knew she would be exactly like him. Not to mention, Sabrina was a horrible driver. Even worse than her father.
"Sure why not."
Sabrina lets out a "yes". She laces up her boots that Dean gave her, brushed her fluffy hair she got from Cass and finally threw on a plaid jacket. On the way out of her room she grabbed her car keys and went out the door.

Supernatural: The Next Generation
FanfictionNineteen years after Team Free Will went their separate ways in the series finale, a new set of hunters arise, with familiar and new faces, Team Free Will once again rises up to the new challenge with a new sinister opponent.