The times we share
Are wound with troubles
And though i still care
My worries are nothing to compareOh you can go
On and on
Just wait until the show
Then you'll seeI try my hardest
Using all my strength
To just appease you
Oh dont you see it too?Yet it all lands on me
The fall of my land
The removal of you
So alone i standAnd with all my heart
I regret my actions
That came and tore us
Far far apartBut i worry
That if you return
Ill face the same worries
That caused me to be so sternI cant please everyone
Let alone you
So let us be alone
No longer twoIm not yours
Im not your sidekick
Or your friend i guess
Oh i cant think im too sickSick of you
Sick of me
Sick of every little thing
When will i be freeI loath every word
Yet i long for them too
If i cant have you
Then i guess ill make doWhy put this all on me
Leave me to make the choice
You know i dont like that
But i guess you dont seeBut oh youve done so much
For me and many others
I long for your touch
On my palm as oneBut how can we be one
When i loath you so much
Im torn in two
When will i be doneThank you i guess
Also screw you
Im not yours
That will do