Hello reader! As you know I plan on making a second book. All about the Dream SMP, and how once dead, you need a certain potion to be revived. I have a question, that I will reveal the answers next week, to give people time to read, and vote!Do you want the SMP book now, and this book to be on hold till I get some new ideas.
Or the SMP book after, yet this book may take longer to get complete.
The SMP book will be Fundy x Dream, but will take place if Tommy was never exiled, the walls were made, yet Fundy's wedding went how it did. Fundy and Dream married, but on bad terms not speaking to eachother.
This is reader's decision!
<3's for all ^w^

~ SapHalo Platonic story ~ Love makes you do Crazy things ~
RomanceThis is a story is a SapHalo < Friendship > fanfic. Darryl is close Nick, but Zak loves Darryl. Zak ends up kidnapping Darryl, using Rat, and all the dream team to his advantage. Yet, Darryl didn't know Zak took him. However, The dream team, Z...