Last Day Home

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It's 1:45 pm and I just got home from school. I walk in the house and go to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I made a hot pocket and went into my room to see Jack sitting on my bed.

"Jess we go on tour tomorrow, so you need to pack tonight" he said looking around my room.

"Jack, have you talked to Joyce and Bassam yet?" I asked, refusing to call them my mom and dad.

"No but you don't need to worry, I'll talk to them when they get home, now you need to pack" he replied as he heard the front door open and close and then danced terribly out the room.

I can't let him make a fool of himself, I need to at least watch him.

I followed him to the living room but I hid behind the wall that connected the hallway to the living room.

"Mrs. and Mr. Barakat I am proud to call you my parents but I need to ask you a question and that question is, can Jess come with me on tour?" He asked in a stupid British accent.

"Jess? Who's Jess?" Bassam, AKA my dad, asked.

"Jessica dad, Jessica" he replied more normally.

"Why would you ever want Jessica to go on tour with you Jack? She is such a bring-me-down, and will slow you and your friends down" Joyce, AKA my mom, replied.

"Because she's my sister and I love her unlike you two" he answered bluntly.

"Well yes, Jack she can go with you, anything to get her out of the house for a while" Bassam answered.

"YESSSSS" Jack screamed with excitement and he turned to come up to my room.


I turned around and quickly ran down the hall and up the stair, through my door, into my room and jumped on my bed.

I grabbed my phone off the table and started going through my Instagram feed.

Jack came into my room soon after and jumped on top of me hugging me as we began to laugh.

"What did Joyce and Bassam say?" I questioned.

"THEY SAID YES" he screamed and I could tell he was tryuly happy not just pretending for me.

He really loves me.

All those bullies, and fans of his are wrong.

I pushed him off of me and watched him roll onto the floor as I started laughing again. I then jumped up and down until he got up and I hugged him so tight.

"Jack Bassam Barakat would you like to help me pack?" I asked proudly and doing a nerdy superman pose.

"Jessica Joyce Barakat, I'd love too" he stated exactly like me.

"How long are we staying Mr. Barakat?" I asked.

"Umm I don't know, it's a tour" he replied.

"Hmm, Jack, grab all my shirts out the closet" I demanded as I pulled out a suitcase and opened my drawers and began transferring all my clothes from my dresser and into my suitcase.

After we packed all my stuff we sat on top of it, feeling accomplished.

We went into Jacks room and packed all his stuff and then I went back into my room to get ready for bed. I grabbed a pair of pajama pants and two towels.

I went into the bathroom across the hall and locked the door as I stripped down and stepped in the shower and began my shower routine: Soak my hair in water, put in shampoo and let it sit for a few minutes as I wash my face, rinse my face and hair, out conditioner in my hair and let it sit while I was my body the rinse off. I then shut off the water and step out the shower and wrap my hair in a towel while I use the other to dry myself off. I get dressed into my ATL shirt with Jacks face on it from today, and my pajama pants. I dry my hair and put it into a high ponytail.

I take my stuff out of the bathroom and into my laundry basket in my room which is beginning to over full. Man I need to do laundry.

I walk over to the door to shut and lock it, then turn the light off. I use my wonderful iPhone 5C, that Jack bought me the last time he was home, for light then climb into my bed and under my covers. I put my phone on the charger and shut off the flashlight.

Tomorrow is going to be great.

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