The demon carried the girl as carefully as he could. He knew of someone who could likely mend her, if at least a little.
He picked up on her scent sooner than expected and went toward it. He slipped through the trees and found who he was looking for sitting by the small stream that ran past where they camped. She looked like she was fishing, so he didn't approach too quickly. When she caught a fish, she turned around. "Hiya, Koga~!" she said happily. Her smile faded when she saw he was carrying someone. "Who's that?"
"I'm not sure who she is," Koga replied honestly. "I found her taken down by a demon somewhere in the woods. Think you can do anything for her, Ayame?"
The she-wolf stood up and examined the girl in Koga's arms a little better. She still held the fish. She stood up straight and looked at Koga. "I might be able to do something. I can't guarantee anything, though."
They went back to their camp and Koga set the girl he carried down by where Ayame would normally be organizing herbs. The she-wolf knelt down, putting the fish aside, and started trying to do what she could.
I just hope I wasn't too late, Koga thought.
Sango looked uneasy. She sat just inside the door, as if on watch, while Kagome and Kanna put together a lunch for everyone. Kirara looked up at Sango from where she had been curled up.
"Is something wrong, Sango?" Kagome asked.
"Things have been to quiet lately," Sango replied. "We haven't run in to Inuyasha or Sesshomaru in a while either."
"We at least have some peace to enjoy," Miroku commented. "Except for the fact that Waru could still be around."
"Speaking of which," Shippo spoke up. "Where's Yoi at?"
Sango sighed uneasily. "Waru could be planning something. We need to get a head start if we want to have a chance of defeating her as well. It's possible she's even stronger than Naraku at this point."
Kagome stopped stirring the stew. The hut fell into a deep silence.
Kanna was the one to break it first. "You shouldn't worry," she said quietly. "No one will ever be like Naraku was."
Sango looked at her. "But she has the Twin Soul. It's likely she could be controlling everyone around us and we wouldn't know it."
Kanna looked up at her. "She doesn't know how to use it," she said. "It will likely backfire if she pushes it to its limit."
"What's the limit of the Twin Soul?" Miroku asked. "I knew the Shikon jewel had a pretty big one, so it must have an even bigger one, right?"
Kanna shook her head. "The Twin Soul has half the limit size of the Shikon jewel." She held a bowl up for Kagome. "It's likely the limit will be reached in a couple days."
"Shouldn't we stop Waru then?" Shippo asked.
"That's a good point," Kagome said. "Couldn't it destroy the land around it if the jewel implodes?"
"If it gets into the wrong hands, it will," Kanna said. "Only someone with high spiritual powers can purify it." She held up another bowl.
"Meaning Kagome can?" Miroku asked.
Kanna shook her head. "No one can purify it. No one possess the spiritual power needed to purify the Twin Soul. Even if Kagome and Kikyo joined together to try, it wouldn't work."
"Then is it even possible to purify it?" Sango asked.
Kanna was quiet for a moment. "There is one way," she started.
AGH I HATE TO DO THIS TO YOU GUYS BUT I GOTTA LEAVE IT ON A CLIFFHANGER DON'T HATE ME PLEASE!!!! This is the only way I can keep updating on the schedule I have planned out, 'kay? <3
New chapter soon I promise~!

An Unlikely Pair
Fanfiction[Inuyasha Fanfic] {Inuyasha x Kikyo} {Sesshomaru x Kagome}